
The Changes and Additions of FFVII Advent Children Complete

by April 19, 2009 0 comments

The movie Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete features many altered and added scenes that flesh out and enrich the film’s visuals and narrative compared to the original Advent Children from 2005. In this article, we’ll look at and analyze the changes and additions to the film, paying specific attention to the new and altered scenes. Next to the new and altered scenes, all existing scenes have been given a makeover – the characters have been given more details, specifically in terms of clothing, and extra effects such as dust and dirt have been added to existing scenes.

In this post, there are over a hundred high-definition, PNG screenshots. Enjoy!



One of the new additions to the film is the expanded opening which shows Kadaj and Rufus riding an elevator up together inside the abandoned building of Edge, before the fight with Bahamut SHIN ensues later in the movie. There, Kadaj pushes Rufus’ wheelchair while conversing with him and then the movie cuts to the official start of the movie -the original AC scene with the Turks going to the Northern Crater, recovering the head of Jenova and being attacked by the remnants of Sephiroth. We hear Kadaj’s new lines amidst the familiar lines of the Turks during the struggle. New detail and texture is added to the cliffs of the Northern Crater as well. After this intro, the movie cuts to the flashback introduction, with Marlene’s new VA, Sumire Morohoshi doing the narration.

The Lifestream - Advent Children Complete versioncait-sith-riding-his-moogle

Cait Sith’s familiar stuffed moogle is now included in the flashback scene of the final confrontation in the Northern Crater. Furthermore, new detail is added to Meteor, Holy, and the planet’s surface in the depiction of Meteorfall during Marlene’s narration of past events from FFVII. An interesting thing to note in this scene is that they changed the color of the Lifestream to blue, while it was a green hue in the original game. The emissions from the Mako Reactor in the Sister Ray are still green though.


The introduction of Edge is expanded, showing more details of the city and it’s proximity to Midgar. People are shown to have moved on, rebuilding and industrializing their new city. However, we then see a darker, more tragic side of the city, with people in alleys suffering from Geostigma, including the orphans. The moogle girl is comforting her suffering brother, and we then see that the Moogle Doll originally belonged to her little brother. The scene ends with a man violently and gruesomely succumbing to Geostigma, vomiting black goo and collapsing dead in the alley.

tifas-radio clouds-geostigma-research-and-notes

Tifa’s scene in the Seventh Heaven bar is relatively the same, except with the addition of a radio broadcast going on in the background about the current levels of mako radiation around Midgar decreasing to safe levels except around the reactors and the Shinra Building. The radio narrator also talks about whether the Shinra Company should be held liable for the damages suffered to the world thus far. There is also a new shot of Cloud’s desk showing his research material and notes on the effects and symptoms of Geostigma, presumably in hopes of finding a cure, as mentioned in his April Dengeki PS3 character profile.


After Cloud’s altercation with the remnants of Sephiroth in the Midgar Wastelands, which contains a few new flashing scenes, a new scene has been added of Denzel in bed looking at the photos of Cloud and Tifa, as well as a woodcarving of a Chocobo. He sighs and thinks of himself as the last straw that caused Cloud to leave Seventh Heaven.

After that, Cloud moves to Healen lodge – this was referred to as Healin Lodge with an I in the original.

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