
ACC Soundtrack to be released in September

by July 1, 2009 0 comments

The Advent Children Complete Soundtrack, named “Reunion Tracks”, will be released in September 16th, 2009.

Besides the rearranged tracks featured in the movie, it will also feature the music tracks from the “On the Way to a Smile: Case of Denzel” OVA.


Source: Square-Enix Japanese Site

Thanks to our member Hitoshura for bringing this to our attention.

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  1. ForceStealer
    #1 ForceStealer 2 July, 2009, 01:32

    Awessome! I’ve been waiting for them to announce that

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  2. ZakuReno
    #2 ZakuReno 2 July, 2009, 17:55

    At last it’s coming.

    This means more waiting again (T_T)

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  3. kchri
    #3 kchri 4 July, 2009, 05:03

    I was thinking about them making that. Wonder if it will be import only… The name is strikingly similar to the “Final Fantasy VII Reunion Tracks” Album.

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  4. Tennyo
    #4 Tennyo 4 July, 2009, 08:24

    About time. Will it be overseas as well? Will it be iTunes only?

    Just so long as it isn’t a Japanese iTunes exclusive. I mean come on. >_<

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