
ACC to include a new (short) movie?

by November 10, 2008 0 comments

Probably old news, since the source we got a link to from OWA-2’s date is in mid-October, but it’s very interesting nevertheless.

Christian Nutt of Gamasutra reports in the 1UP Yours podcast that Advent Children Complete will include a new short movie that takes place two years after Advent Children, an apparent fact that was briefly mentioned at the end of the ACC trailer.

Furthermore, Joystiq has a run-down of the ACC trailer online, which states that ACC will have an extended version of the final fight between Sephiroth and Cloud, and will have more character development for both the children in general and the main antagonist Kadaj.

UPDATE: Below is the ACC trailer with subtitles which, according to our member hitoshura, are pretty poorly done, but they’ll do. Hitoshura also translated the bit of text at the end of the trailer, which doesn’t seem to make a reference to the possible new movie, but perhaps this is a different version from the one reported on by Joystiq. The translation is as follows:

Main Features
– Full spec HD quality video
– Multiple language tracks
– Newly edited scenes
– New additional bonus features


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  1. ForceStealer
    #1 ForceStealer 11 November, 2008, 03:29

    That sounds…cool. 2 years after Advent Children? That places it a year after Dirge of Cerberus…wonder if/how that will play into it. Sounds cool.

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  2. Tennyo
    #2 Tennyo 11 December, 2008, 18:00

    Oh wow. wowowowowowowow I am so excited for this now. Must get! Please come out in the NTSC region PLEASE!!!!

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  3. Lakenya
    #3 Lakenya 8 May, 2015, 09:32

    What’s up friends, good piece of writing and nice
    urging commented at this place, I am really enjoying by these.

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