
New Final Fantasy Master Creatures featuring Bahamut SHIN and…a secret

by June 26, 2009 0 comments


The SE Product Blog has updated with the new creatures that will be featured in the upcoming new set of the FF Master Creatures Collection. Included are Bahamut SHIN from FFVII AC, Zalera from FFXII, Valefor from FFX, Tiamat from FF1, and The Brothers from FFVIII.

However…In a magazine scan promoting the set…another figure is shown blackened out, representing that its a secret chase figure in the set.


Its silhouette, looks familiar… Could it be Terra, riding Magitek armor, from FFVI?

Source: FF7AC Reunion

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  1. Dark & Divine
    #1 Dark & Divine 26 June, 2009, 10:58

    It really looks like Terra in a Magitek armor!


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  2. LEgacyofDark
    #2 LEgacyofDark 27 June, 2009, 14:14

    it IS, what else could it be

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  3. Katista
    #3 Katista 31 July, 2009, 13:55

    Yattta!!!! I want the brothers!!!! Where is in sell?! Only in Japan?

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