Posts by X-SOLDIER

The Potential Of: Jenova & Horror

In the last two “The Potential Of:” editorials, I covered how the use of disorienting techniques could play a role in the tone of certain sections, and dove into details on some of Shinra’s more obscure dark experiments help to show

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The Potential Of: Shinra’s Non-SOLDIER Experiments

The Art Director of the FFVII Remake, Shintaro Takai, recently talked about what he wanted to change in the Remake in an interview with CGWorld that was translated into English by Dualshockers. One part where he speaks about the changes

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The Potential Of: Disorienting Game Techniques

In Final Fantasy VII, there are a number of times that the player is placed into a position where things are meant to be disorienting – Cloud’s various ongoing hallucinations and flashbacks, the Temple of the Ancients, the Sleeping Forest,

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TLS Presents: “Case of Barret” Audiobook

The latest On the Way to a Smile Novella from TLS is now out for your listening pleasure: On the Way to a Smile: Case of Barret! As previously, the Audiobook is available for you to be able to download

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Final Fantasy VII Music Arrangement Spotlight: MK IV

Today’s music arrangement spotlight features another character theme. This is a ‘debut’ song by YouTube user naomiCENSOREDv2. It is a fan-vocal cover of Yuffie’s Theme by Nobuo Uematsu. She wrote the lyrics, arranged the arrangement, performed, and recorded the entire

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Recent Site Outages & Server Issues

As many of you may have noticed, TLS’s main site and forums have been going up and down a lot over the last several days. We’ve contacted our host and made some optimizations to the server, which should hopefully keep

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Final Fantasy VII Music Arrangement Spotlight

This is the first installment where we look to bring some attention to some of the many remixes of Final Fantasy VII music that you may not be familiar with. The first song we’ve decided to feature is one that

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