
Fans take Type-0 translation into their own hands

by February 11, 2013 0 comments

In this week’s roundup: fans take Type-0 translation into their own hands; Final Fantasy XIII director says a trilogy release is possible; memories of getting and playing Final Fantasy VII for the first time; plus lots from our forum.

Square Enix won’t release Final Fantasy Type-0 in North America, so fans are taking over (via Kotaku)

It’s been a year and a half since Square Enix released the PSP role-playing game Final Fantasy Type-0 in Japan, and the publisher has not yet said a word about a possible U.S. release.

Enter the fans. A group of dedicated translators are doing their best to release an English version of Type-0, and you can see the first footage here.

I’ll be following this one closely. Buzz out of Japan suggests that Type-0 is excellent, and if Square Enix won’t let us play it, at least these guys might.

Discuss this on our forum (hat-tip: Prince Lex)

Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy Pack Could be Released if Fans Demand it (via Technobuffalo)

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII hasn’t even been released yet, and Square Enix is talking a trilogy pack. In an upcoming interview with VG247, Final Fantasy XIII Director Motomu Toriyama explained that a trilogy pack of Square Enix’s massive budget RPGs could be released if (and only if) fans demand it:

“We are currently devoting all of our efforts to Lightning Returns. Although we would certainly like to give it some consideration – if there were a big enough demand from the fans.”

Discuss Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII on our forum

Playing Final Fantasy VII is my fondest gaming memory (via Venturebeat)

It was a bright Sunday afternoon in September 1997, and I was idly sitting in the passenger seat of my mom’s car on the way to the mall. These Sunday shopping trips were a regular thing in my household. When I was younger, my mom — like most Americanized Asian mothers I knew growing up — had a stash of purses in her closet that trumped the largest collections you could think of. These Sunday shopping trips were in an effort to buy more purses.

“I’m just looking,” my mom would say. I was a bright kid, however, and I knew that if I tagged along for the ride, there just might be something in it for me. And I was right. This was the day I brought home Final Fantasy VII.

What did you think of Final Fantasy VII the first time you played it? Have your say on our forum.

More from the forum

Community news

  • Ghost X has started up a tournament to find the strongest army in the Final Fantasy series. The first round, which was randomly drawn, features match-ups like Burmecia against Cleyra (both Final Fantasy IX) and Baron (IV) against the Empire (VI). You can see all of the polls and vote for your choices here.
  • The fourth chapter of the Final Fantasy IX community playthrough is ready: it takes us up to the end of the first disc. So soon!
  • Happy birthday to Pyrefly, who turned 16 today!

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  1. Lucas Snyder
    #1 Lucas Snyder 19 February, 2013, 13:29

    Make the trilogy pack

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