
New Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete trailer on YouTube

by March 27, 2009 0 comments

A new trailer for Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete has surfaced on youtube which gives a taste of the High Definition graphics and additions to the Blu-ray release. Enjoy, and also keep in my mind the previous news post on the April Dengeki PS3 Interview with Nomura has been updated with an interview from the Dengeki PS March issue as well.

Youtube (HD) version:  Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete – Trailer 2

MP4 (HD) version: Download here!

We’ve also added a gallery of some of the new images from the trailer in full size.

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  1. Sora
    #1 Sora 29 March, 2009, 23:22

    great screenshots!!!

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  2. ForceStealer
    #2 ForceStealer 30 March, 2009, 12:10

    If that IS where Cloud gets impaled it will be freaking epic. Instead of being stabbed after being slapped around, Sephiroth will just stop his onslaught dead, completely by surprise. Maybe by predicting his moves from the last time he was Omnislashed, just by his look when Cloud leaps into the air, he looks like he knows exactly what he’s going to do.


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  3. Cthulhu
    #3 Cthulhu 30 March, 2009, 20:10

    Is it just me, or could I just not see much difference (in terms of visual quality, details) compared to ye olde?

    We really need to do a video edit with two equal bits of film side by side.

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    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 31 March, 2009, 00:45

      Its just you, LOL.

      Seriously, the color, quality, detail and appearance is much better here than in AC. AC looks good but in terms of quality and detail, there’s a slight “washed out” look that really pervades the movie until the end. Just look at AC along side this trailer and you’ll see. Or..when ACC comes out.

  4. LordNoctis
    #4 LordNoctis 31 March, 2009, 07:17

    Yeah, that move Cloud pulled at the end was the original Omnislash (With a few less slashes) He even had the little jump at the end just like the original.

    This movie is gonna kill the old one, eat it for breakfest, excrete it, put it in a paper bag, light it on fire, then leave it on some rich guys doorstep.

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    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 9 April, 2009, 08:06

      Your imagery here made me lol. XD

  5. Kristine
    #5 Kristine 9 April, 2009, 10:25

    Something interesting I want to share with you guys about this trailer. The part where Cloud was hacking away all those debris, I noticed the camera was zooming into something. So, I paused it. Between 2:18-2:19, if you pause it right, you could actually see Tifa among all those debris. I definitely can’t wait for this movie to come out in the U.S.! ^_^

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  6. Alex.
    #6 Alex. 8 May, 2009, 01:54

    OMG!!!!!!!!!! the picture of cloud @ the bottom beside sepheroth made me laugh xD


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