
New Dissidia Duodecim Weekly Jump Scan Featuring Tifa Lockhart

by October 13, 2010 0 comments

A new scan from Weekly Jump has revealed Tifa Lockhart’s Dissidia Duodecim artwork, along with a glimpse of her EX-Mode and Ex-Burst.

Expectedly, her EX-Burst relies on her slot limit breaks from FFVII, and includes her equipping her ultimate weapon from FFVII. The Premium Heart.

A big thanks to Phi and DrakeClawfang for the find on our forums!

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  1. Daydreamer v. Nightmare
    #1 Daydreamer v. Nightmare 13 October, 2010, 20:52

    1. Please don’t play like Jecht!!! I could barely do the slots as is…
    Also a faster Cloud with some new attacks would be awesome!

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  2. adven277
    #2 adven277 14 October, 2010, 00:35

    just give me some tifa and I’ll be happy. I’ve been waiting for ages.

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  3. wubba bubba
    #3 wubba bubba 14 October, 2010, 04:54

    And as we all figured she will have her AC/ACC costume for her alt. well i can say i’m happy, now lets see some more new characters please! just 3 wouldnt be much fun personaly. maybe 1 newbie for each game either cosmos or chaos.

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  4. adven277
    #4 adven277 14 October, 2010, 11:16

    I’ve been waiting for a change to actually control the realistic 3d rendered version of Tifa since the original game, so this makes me happy beyond words. I’m also glad that Cain Highwind and Lightning are included, wish Yuna is, too. Doesn’t matter if it’s the summoner or gunner version.

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  5. Phi
    #5 Phi 14 October, 2010, 11:53

    Glad I could help! ^^;

    I am very happy to see some new characters, not just the central ones of the main series, coming to Duodecim. I wonder how many more will be added to the list in the future? I hope at least one for each game… And that the UMD will fit such a large cast. 😀


    I would like to see a Yuna too. Not sure how her battle style will be. Perhaps something to do with the Dressperes?

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  6. ffsuperfan
    #6 ffsuperfan 14 October, 2010, 15:15

    TIFA <3 I'm so happy right now, finally i can control Tifa in Dissidia <3

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  7. Fenrir30
    #7 Fenrir30 14 October, 2010, 20:35

    What costume is cloud wearing? and is his orginal dissida costume comming back? (not the advent children)

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  8. kchri
    #8 kchri 15 October, 2010, 08:50

    Dang it; now I HAVE to purchase this game because of this awesomeness. @Fenrir30: The outfit shown on this page is Cloud’s Yoshitaka Amano concept art costume. I don’t know if his original one will be back. I would assume so. Didn’t they say something about his Kingdom Hearts outfit? Someone want to confirm this?

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  9. kostas
    #9 kostas 15 October, 2010, 14:22

    I want Yuna too. I dont care about her style (summoner or gunner) Gunner would be more fun. Andpractically everybody is a summoner in dissidia so her being in summoner mode would be off. Dressphere change be her unique abilities like paradigm shift is for lighting.

    Now that i think about it Yuna must be in and has many chances to be in because Tidus story cant have to do with him fighting and arguing with his father again. Or Seymour could be added.yeah i want seymour in. He is badass.
    Oh and Vincent valentine. ex mode and stuff will have to do with his other forms (chaos (oops same name with the enemy??)).
    Anyway there is not a gunner in dissidia so i want at least one.

    one character can be excluded from possible characters, Lulu. She practically didnt move from ankles and up lol. haha still remember that she made kimahri carry her when sliding from the airship lol. Imagine her in the dissidia movement and style, ridiculous.

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  10. Fenrir30
    #10 Fenrir30 15 October, 2010, 20:13

    @kchri: Thank you. I have never seen that concept design.

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  11. adven277
    #11 adven277 16 October, 2010, 06:57

    Phi, maybe so.. Then that would make her a gunner. XD

    This really has me in stitches. I wish 2011 would come sooner.

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  12. Eerie
    #12 Eerie 16 October, 2010, 11:51

    Jeez, seriously. I want to play TIfa SO BAD. Why is this a PSP game? T_________T

    *misses her character gameplay T______T*

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    • Sky-Hart
      Sky-Hart 17 October, 2010, 11:40

      I agree! Dissidia seriously needs to be consider for Ps3 or Xbox. It deserves it!!!

    • Adobo-kun
      Adobo-kun 21 December, 2010, 07:28

      It should and must be on PS3. X-box should just rot in hell with it’s ring of death. LOL

  13. Nadia
    #13 Nadia 17 October, 2010, 12:04

    Yay~! I’ve been wanting to play as Tifa in another game besides FF VII. <3 Now I just have to wait for the release…

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  14. ZackFair1219
    #14 ZackFair1219 18 October, 2010, 02:50

    Okay, if someone could find an HD scan of this and tell me what Cloud/Tifa is saying in the bottom scan, I would be grateful beyond grateful. (Even though this entire page is worth being greatful for too.)

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  15. Fenrir30
    #15 Fenrir30 20 October, 2010, 21:35

    @Kchri: Kingdom hearts outfit confirmed! However, it requires you to buy birth by sleep final mix….

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  16. Eve
    #16 Eve 21 October, 2010, 02:52

    I sooo want yuna in dissidia 012, she is VERY popular in japan and her game play fits in along with story line.

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  17. leandro alves fase 8
    #17 leandro alves fase 8 24 October, 2010, 00:09

    i want princess ashe and basch from ffxii. please not vaan,please i beg you.

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  18. Julian Anton Souman
    #18 Julian Anton Souman 17 December, 2010, 13:47

    I want Lulu to be one of the character on Duodecim, with new outfit so she can move freely than before, and also Maria with her original artwork from FF1 it would be great

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    • Ryushikaze
      Ryushikaze 17 December, 2010, 16:54

      Maria is from Final Fantasy 2. Unless you mean Princess Sarah.

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