
Famitsu Scans of Dissidia Final Fantasy Duodecim Featuring Tifa and Cloud

by October 20, 2010 0 comments

Famitsu this week featured a look at Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart in Dissidia Dudoecim 012, with glimpses of Tifa in the opening CGI cutscene of the game, various other in game cutscenes (including her healing a wounded Kain), and of course scenes featuring the two along with their enemy Sephiroth. As expected, their FFVII conflict is alive and strong as always, even in another world where their memories are fried. Furthermore, we see all the current alternate costumes for Cloud.

Also, Weekly Jump featured a look at Tifa in her alternate Advent Children outfit, apparently…beating the snot out of Cloud, in true Cloti tradition. As they say, ‘Love Hurts. A lot.’

Source: FF-Reunion

EDIT: Bellow is some translated info the scans regarding Tifa, her play style, and new attacks for Golbez and Cecil, thanks to Hitoshura.

Tifa is being voiced by Ayumi Itou again.

There’s a scene of her saying she โ€œwon’t believe thatโ€ while using a potion.

She doesn’t have any memory of her original world.

Her character concept is ‘Feint Striker’. She’s a hand-to-hand fighter, but unlike a power type like Jecht she focuses on quick movements and feints. The reach of her attacks is short, but even if the attacks don’t contact she can still pull off combos. In her EX Mode she is using the Premium Heart. Her EX gauge also affects her damage, the higher it is the more damage she deals.

Feints are a quick move, fast and moves you around to your opponent’s back. When she’s getting ready to attack, if you press X it will cancel that action and she’ll move behind the opponent, and you can attack with Circle.

It takes some getting used to using feints, and depending on the move the timing you can use them is different, but [Kujiraoka] believes that even people who aren’t good at action games can pull them off with practice.

Feints, when used at a long range, simply close the distance being you and the opponent, so can be used for movement. It looks pretty cool, kind of like teleportation.

In her EX Burst she attacks based on the number of reels. ‘miss’ means the attack fails, ‘hit’ means it successes, and ‘yeah’ is massive damage. The finisher is a big, flashy move based on Final Heaven.

Scene of Ultimania and Golbez talking about the battle lasting for eternity.

Cecil has a new Dark Knight move, Shadow Bringer, a ground HP attack which if it hits does a multiple hit attack. It doesn’t have a big reach but it’s very powerful. There’s also new Paladin attacks, apparently.

Golbez has a new attack, Sector Ray, which sends out ‘bits’ and fires homing beams.

Assist Lock: The characters you summon aren’t invincible, and if they get attacked they leave without performing an attack, and you don’t be able to use the Assist for a while.

Assist Change: A system where you switch in the Assist Character while being hit with a combo attack. If you use two Assist Gauge blocks you can summon the Assist Character and get out of the combo with no risk. But if you only use one block, the character will appear and take damage for you and you will go into Assist Lock. To use two blocks it’s L + Square, and to use one L + Circle.

Assist Charge: System where the Assist Gauge gets charged a lot when you counter while you’re in danger. If your Brave is low one block of the gauge is restored, and if your HP is low then it’s 2 blocks. For the latter you need to counter a HP attack.

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  1. Celes Chere
    #1 Celes Chere 21 October, 2010, 00:22

    Dear God…. tears of joy. Tifa. <3

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  2. Fairheartstrife
    #2 Fairheartstrife 21 October, 2010, 03:03


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  3. Fenrir30
    #3 Fenrir30 21 October, 2010, 03:07

    it looks like cloud will have his original sword length.

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  4. Quexinos
    #4 Quexinos 21 October, 2010, 05:25

    TIfa should beat the snot out of Cloud more often.

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  5. CloudS
    #5 CloudS 21 October, 2010, 12:47

    Cloud and Tifa are both here. I wonder how the ending will be? ๐Ÿ˜•
    I feel a little bit hurt when seeing Tifa beats Cloud. So there will be Cloud beats Tifa, too??? :[[ :[[
    and YAY for Tifa and the AC outfit XD XD XD XD.

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  6. anesuna
    #6 anesuna 21 October, 2010, 17:07

    will this mean the end of the love triangle?

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  7. Sloppygegger
    #7 Sloppygegger 21 October, 2010, 18:53

    I can see the Clerith using Cloud to beat Tifa, making screenshots with there anti-cloti slogans o_o

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  8. LaFenice
    #8 LaFenice 21 October, 2010, 21:30

    I don’t even like Tifa all that much nor played the first game but that looks good. Lightning, I’m very excited for.

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  9. Wolf
    #9 Wolf 22 October, 2010, 02:39

    Freaking awesome, I can’t even wait for this.

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  10. Ella
    #10 Ella 22 October, 2010, 09:08

    It says Tifa has no memory of her world, does this mean we’re getting a role reversal of what happened in the original game? It’d be an interesting twist to see Cloud as the support of the relationship, since he’s been dealing with his own weaknesses for what seems like forever.

    Presumably this plot point will extend to the Shinryu memory free revival process that occurs with each cycle; was Tifa’s loss of all memory a glitch or is there something mysterious about her death in the previous cycle? And is it likely that this glitch will rouse Sephiroth’s curiosity enough to make him commit suicide?

    Ah well, Tifa kicks ass, regardless. Now if only I could play this thing and pit her against Lightning, the level of awesome would be off the charts!

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  11. ffsuperfan
    #11 ffsuperfan 25 October, 2010, 11:55

    TIFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tifa : TAKE THAT CLOUD ! For making me wait for you all those years !!! *use Final Heaven*
    Cloud : *KO*…i’ve made a mistake…..

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  12. leandro alves fase 8
    #12 leandro alves fase 8 31 October, 2010, 21:30

    Tifa,destroy cloud now! she is great.

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  13. wolf-57 angel
    #13 wolf-57 angel 15 November, 2010, 21:45

    Ya, this game is gettin hoter and hoter every second! Though image if all the VII’s characters were in the game?! XD It be one of those moments you just might faint! I wonder what Cid would say… ๐Ÿ˜€

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