
Yuna Confirmed for Dissidia Final Fantasy Duodecim 012

by December 24, 2010 0 comments

According to this week’s issue Famitsu, initial rumors of Yuna’s appearance in Dissidia Duodecim are indeed true. Presumably it will be her Final Fantasy X appearance, since the trailer reports indicated her walking barefoot on water as if preforming a sending.

Also confirmed my Tetsuya Nomura and director Mitsunori Takehashi:

*More characters post-SNES Final Fantasy series.
*Returning characters will have a lot of changes, such as Kefka and Shantotto.
*The Story Mode will have 15+ hours game play.
*The original Dissidia story will be included and enhanced, making total play time over 60 hours.
*Besides the new 3D World Map System, the Board based System from the first game will remain be in the game.
*More summons will be available.
*Laguna from FFVIII was left out in Kingdom Hearts BBS so he can debut in this game.
*Dissidia Duodecim 012: Final Fantasy is set for a release on March 3, 2011 in Japan.

Source: gamrConnect

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  1. Soulkin
    #1 Soulkin 24 December, 2010, 09:31

    and in Europe 25.3.

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  2. Ella
    #2 Ella 24 December, 2010, 11:33

    If they’re enhancing the original Dissidia story and including it, does this mean we’ll actually get to see the Villain’s POV during the 13th cycle? I know they said long ago that they’d have something resembling the bad guy equivalent of Destiny Odysseys but now I’m curious as to whether that goes for Duodecim too. I would like to see them make Jecht confronting The Emperor an actual boss fight as well as how the villains (1) came up with the plan to get the heroes to obtain their crystals (2) reacted to Shade Impulse; neither of these really got much attention, it was pretty much ‘We’re evil so we know all this’.

    I also wonder if the new characters story does indeed end at Duodecim or if it actually turns out that they’re condemned to a similar fate to Gabranth or Shantotto and are still alive and fighting albeit unable to have any impact on the events in the 13th cycle. Either way they will technically ‘survive’ due to Cosmos’ eventual victory restoring everything but the question is: Do they fall in battle like every other FF character who inevitably did not make it into Duodecim or will they keep fighting on till the mess is cleaned up?

    I’m guessing SE will probably also devote some of Dissidia’s new playtime to making nods at the events of Duodecim. Maybe we’ll get hints of Cloud remembering Tifa or Squall being reminded of Laguna annoying him in extra scenes? If Yuna’s in, I wonder if they’ll do a twist on X2 what with Yuna being the one missing-in-action and Tidus stuck having to go on without her.

    Aaargh, come on 25th March!!! Thanks for the update.

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  3. Zappy
    #3 Zappy 24 December, 2010, 13:55

    New trailer is posted on official japanese page…

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  4. kostas
    #4 kostas 24 December, 2010, 22:17

    i wonder if her limit will be a dressphere change to aa gunner . hmm. i dont know how they will make her a summoner since practically in dissidia everyone is a summoner

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    • blackmage!!
      blackmage!! 26 December, 2010, 04:54

      nope, everyone is helped by a summon, yuna is the actual summoner, n that would be cool if thats her limit atire or maybe
      ^ this one would awsome!!!
      i really want to see the actual pics of yuna and some screenshots of her in action and reacting with the other characters!
      did anyone notice the person standing behind lightning on the right hand side of vaan but ferther out? when cosmos gave them some light thingy? in the bigining of the trailer, the new one at jump festa? was that yuna 2??
      just wondering!

  5. ViralZero
    #5 ViralZero 28 December, 2010, 20:35

    Well, I can’t say I agree with Yuna being in the game. Likable as she is, unless she’s fighting FFX2 style I can’t imagine a half-decent fighting style for her. But what I’m really excited about is them putting Yuna in the game tells me Seymour will be in it. I’ll cross my fingers!

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  6. lulu_crazy_aha
    #6 lulu_crazy_aha 2 January, 2011, 04:05


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  7. Karasu Inoue
    #7 Karasu Inoue 5 January, 2011, 19:15

    Well IDK about Seymour… Considering they seem to be adding one character for each FF since IV. But what I want to know is if they’ll be adding some more villians. They’re hilliariously outnumbered now. Amazing that they actually pwn everyone to the point that the roster dropped to Ten in the 13th cycle. Or at least that’s the only explanation I can come up with. XD

    Oh well, I’m sure nobody out there plays Dissidia for a groundbreaking story anyway… It would have been better if the characters were simply born into an alternate universe with roles similar to the ones from there original universe. (Tifa running a bar, Cloud… delivering things? lol ETC) Namco does this with the crossover games for the Tales series. It just feels more natural and believable IMO.

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    • ViralZero
      ViralZero 6 January, 2011, 03:06

      I’m hoping for Seymour because i remember Square kept saying the biggest reason he wasn’t in the last one was because they would need Yuna to rival him. (Not true IMO)

      Speaking of groundbreaking story, Dissidia seems to get a lot of heat for it’s story, yet at the same time, It’s probably got a better story than 9 out of 10 other fighting games, which never actually progress in story because they’re too afraid to take characters away from the damn roster.

    • Ella
      Ella 8 January, 2011, 19:51

      Seymour would make a good addition to the game since he is a legitimate FF villain and is debatably the main baddie from X. Also Jecht’s being confirmed as on Cosmos’ side so unless the rumours are true about Tidus being evil (which would only work if The Emperor, CoD, Ultimecia or Exdeath have taken up brainwashing as a hobby again) he and Yuna aren’t going to have much opposition. His fighting style would probably be in a similar vein to Kuja, Kefka, Terra or Onion Knight’s since he’s an accomplished mage and he could use one of his many Omni forms as his Ex Burst. He was high on the list last time so hopefully…

      As for the story, Dissidia did very well for a premise that’s essentially ’10 heroes, 10 villains, ONE BIG BRAWL!’ and gave it several elements of suprise. It took the old crystal searching cliche along with defeat the villain and turned it on it’s head. The heroes actually got a chance to properly interact 1 on 1 with their respective villains as well as act independently from their game’s original context. Whilst that isn’t so amazing for Cloud and Sephiroth it’s quite a leap for characters such as WoL, Firion and Onion Knight who seldom appeared without their parties. It gives everyone a little more development without screwing up the original canon. One of the reasons I’m buying Duodecim is to see what it’s like when the villains actually win for a change. And to see how they portray Kuja in a more ambigous role, it wouldn’t be possible in FFIX canon but here we can see him in a more sympathetic light. I think…

      As for the villain situation, remember that mannikins seem to be playing a much bigger part in this cycle. Kain got mobbed by them in an earlier trailer (with Exdeath nearby no less which might explain the brainwashing) as did Lightning so they might end up being defeated by them instead. It could be that death by mannikins DOESN’T install the Shinryu revival effect and that the newcomers were brought down by a swarm of them hence they’re not being able to show up in the 13th cycle.

      Sorry to have droned on, I just want to milk my two cents for all their worth.

  8. Frankie
    #8 Frankie 10 January, 2011, 14:09

    I have no idea how they will do her style if she’s a Summoner. For one thing, summons already exist in Dissidia so how could Yuna utilize them? Aside from summons, all she has is magic and Duodecim is looking for new innovative styles, another mage character is not. Seems like a waste to not include a dressphere switching style, to me. I’m eager to see what they’re doing, because it’s really very confusing for me!

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  9. kostas
    #9 kostas 10 January, 2011, 14:52

    lets not forget that even Yunas summoner clothing is a dressphere (this can be seen in ffx-2 opening) so maybe she is using it in dissidia and we will be able to have more dresspheres too

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    • Killer Man
      Killer Man 10 January, 2011, 16:45

      But remember that was not the real Yuna.

  10. Killer Man
    #10 Killer Man 10 January, 2011, 16:40

    Maybe Yuna is using an Aeon in her limit break. And she could be using gunner in air and summoner on ground.

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  11. kostas
    #11 kostas 10 January, 2011, 19:45

    yeah but it was leblanc using Yunas garment grid. That means that she keeps her summoner dressphere in her grid even if she doesnt use it in the game

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