
Final Fantasy VII Confirmed for US PSN Store, also Dissidia Final Fantasy Release Date Announced

by May 31, 2009 0 comments


The ESRB site has confirmed that the original Final Fantasy VII will be added to the Playstation Network store for purchase. A big thanks to forum user Shar and Tetsujin for letting us know!

EDIT: In fact, it just came out today, June 2nd, 2009!!!

Also, S-E USA has officially announced the release date for Dissidia Final Fantasy in their announcement regarding E3. It will hit the streets on August 25, 2009. A big thanks to FF_Compilations for the news!

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  1. Xal
    #1 Xal 31 May, 2009, 20:05

    Will this make FFVII playable on the PSP, then?

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    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 31 May, 2009, 20:51

      Yes, it’ll be playable on the PS3 and PSP.

  2. K.T. Selner
    #2 K.T. Selner 1 June, 2009, 09:37

    This had got to be the greatest news ever! I get to play ffvii again and now on my psp and ps3! WOOT WOOT!
    And as for dissidia, two months until it’s out!? that’s quite long.

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  3. Tennyo
    #3 Tennyo 1 June, 2009, 21:39

    About time they did this.

    Hmm… I wonder if it’s still too late to sell my copy on Ebay for more money? For the peeps who don’t know yet. XD

    lol Kidding.

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  4. Hollowtear
    #4 Hollowtear 1 June, 2009, 22:14

    WooHoo!!!! ive been wanting to play it again especially after playing Crisis Core. i dont own a Playstation anymore cause it broke and never fixed it, but i do have a PsP so WOOT!!!!!

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  5. powerslave86
    #5 powerslave86 1 June, 2009, 23:51


    I can now play my favorite game on the PSP. 😀

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  6. Cathy7
    #6 Cathy7 2 June, 2009, 08:24

    Wow, FFVII in PSP. Great, I will be able to play it again, but this time in the PSP. I wonder when it’s going to be out.

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  7. KissTheRain
    #7 KissTheRain 2 June, 2009, 18:49


    FFVII for PS3? Does this mean they are remaking it or is it just being made into an edition for PS3 and PSP. I hope so much they make it, i’d love to hear what everyones voices would sound like and how they would look. Especially Aerith’s death despite the sadness. They clips will be great for making amvs too. ^^

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    • Leetho
      Leetho 2 June, 2009, 19:57

      it’s just a download game through the psn as a psONE classic for the ps3 and psp…thought it was pretty obvious

  8. Immortal280
    #8 Immortal280 2 June, 2009, 21:44

    Square’s (now Square Enix) beloved PlayStation RPG Final Fantasy VII International is out on the Japanese PlayStation Network for PlayStation 3 and PSP, Kotaku spotted.

    Costing 1,500 Yen ($15), FF7 International is the Japanese localisation of the American version, which improved the original release with new cutscenes, additional graphics in some areas, a better spell management system, and polished and new battles.

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  9. Christien
    #9 Christien 2 June, 2009, 23:18

    I can’t find it on my PSN! Someone help me?

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  10. Splintered
    #10 Splintered 3 June, 2009, 08:41

    I’m totally downloading this because beating FFVII a thousand times before wasn’t enough. I’ve practically memorized this game and I’m still excited. Love this announcement so hard.

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  11. K.T. Selner
    #11 K.T. Selner 3 June, 2009, 11:51

    by the way, if i download it in my psp could i play it also in the ps3 with the same game file or do i have to download another file for the ps3?

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    • leetho
      leetho 3 June, 2009, 18:19

      if i were you, i’ll download it to the ps3 first then just copy it to the psp afterward…that way it’ll be faster and won’t take as long re-downloading it

  12. Mason Adams
    #12 Mason Adams 20 June, 2010, 23:14

    i always download games from bittorent and emule. :;;

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  13. bdixhbedx
    #13 bdixhbedx 13 November, 2010, 15:50

    i totally don’t understand all i want is to watch the movie when aerith gets to know tifa and cloud and when she dies. in good graphics not like the one of 1997 anyone help me or tell me where to watch it if anyone knows plz tell me.

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