
News of an FFVII Remake from Square Enix Soon?

by August 30, 2009 0 comments


In an interview with, Yoshinori Kitase gave a promising hint of news of an FFVII remake, stating fans should expect news on it at a later date.

Also, at GamesCom in Cologne, Germany, Kitase was quoted saying regarding an FFVII remake through a translator..

There’s no official project that’s up and running for a remake of Final Fantasy VII at this point. Both Toriyama-san and Kitase-san were involved in the development of the game, however, and it holds a special place in their hearts. They do talk about it on a personal level, like, ‘If we did it it would be like this or like that.’

“So, they do talk about it, but there’s no official project yet. But there’s that PSN release that just came out, so if you could play that for the time being, it should be fun.”

So for now, fans will have to tide themselves over with the re-release of the original game on the PS Network. But it still seems the creators are toying with the idea and thinking on it fondly. Who knows where their discussion will lead.

Source: and

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  1. Lord Noctis
    #1 Lord Noctis 30 August, 2009, 02:34

    So basicly, what they are telling us, is that they would like to, they just have not made up their minds yet.

    Square, let me make this easy for you. REMAKE THE DAMN GAME!!!!! Please.

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  2. Mog
    #2 Mog 30 August, 2009, 03:02

    They’re going to do it. I can almost assure this.

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    • LordNoctis
      LordNoctis 30 August, 2009, 03:13

      Lord knows I hope your right.

  3. Bekas
    #3 Bekas 30 August, 2009, 04:58

    FFVII has always been a golden chicken ~gold chocobo, anyone?~ for Squeenix: I’m sure once FFXIII+VersusXIII are done, the remake will come.

    They can even start working on it once FFXIII’s finished. It’ll go slowly but as Versus13 is finished, it’ll pick speed and be done in no time. (which is what is happening between XIII and VerXIII).

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  4. Dacon
    #4 Dacon 30 August, 2009, 05:44

    shoulda posted the article where he said there might be some news about the remake

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  5. powerslave86
    #5 powerslave86 30 August, 2009, 06:44

    Yes, please! 😐 Remake it before I die, and I’ll never abuse you again, Squex.

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  6. IvoryChocobo
    #6 IvoryChocobo 30 August, 2009, 07:12

    Hopefully by the time it is possibly remade, Playstation 3s will be cheaper. Lol. (That is, if it’s for that platform. I’d buy whatever platform just to play it!)

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  7. Frostwave
    #7 Frostwave 30 August, 2009, 17:29

    If SE doesn’t remake VII somewhere down the line, they’re retarded.

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  8. animewarrior
    #8 animewarrior 1 September, 2009, 02:10

    Well, this is looking familar. Same question: Are they making a FFVII remake in Playstation The Official Magazine for October ’09. Their answer:

    “It’s not going to happen. Ever. So stop asking and just be grateful that you can now download FFVII from from the PlayStation Store.”
    – Playstation the Official Magazine October 09

    I guess we’ll see whether or not Square Enix proves this statement wrong. Here’s hoping but honestly guys… even if they DO a remake, it’ll be a while in the future.

    I recieved the original game for Playstation for $70 + shipping on eBay for Christmas (greatest hits version…God love my parents ^^) and then Playstation comes out with the online version. LOL so hey I can at least claim I have a physical copy of the game… but just be THANKFUL for the ONLINE RELEASE FOR NOW.

    PS – GO GET DISSIDIA!!! It’s absolutely amazing!

    Reply to this comment
    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 4 September, 2009, 11:45

      It makes me laugh that copies of FFVII are so expensive nowadays! I only paid $17 for mine, and it’s a black case which is general more expensive. XD

    • Reno of the Flans
      Reno of the Flans 13 October, 2009, 18:00

      I wouldn’t mind waiting for a while…

  9. Cloud_SOLDIER
    #9 Cloud_SOLDIER 1 September, 2009, 09:43

    I really want a remake of VII!

    It’s just that I don’t think we’re gonna get one any time soon. Just because VII is (like Bekas said) a gold chocobo and very special for a lot of people they have to make the game really good. There are a lot of expectations on just VII so they can’t just “make it” that quickly.

    If they make a remake of the game I would want it to be as long as the original and not cut of, that would mean a very very long game. So If they make the game they would have to do everything from scrach. Considering the time it took for the voiceacting in the AC, imagine the amount of time the remake would take! (And how much it would cost them to do it)

    Still, I hope they do it. They have to do it!

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    • Reno of the Flans
      Reno of the Flans 13 October, 2009, 18:02

      Yeah if they make it again I think it should be EXACTLY the same, just… you know… better made!
      I’ll wait for as long as it takes!

  10. cReo
    #10 cReo 3 September, 2009, 05:21

    oh common SE,…. just make up your minds…..

    well, i’m still hoping, really, i love FF VII….

    i don’t care if it’s not too soon…. ^-~

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  11. Tennyo
    #11 Tennyo 4 September, 2009, 11:46

    My heart skipped a beat. I feel like I’m being teased.

    I should be surprised, though. Mako was the one posting this after all. He likes to pull our legs. XD

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  12. Nilyar
    #12 Nilyar 5 September, 2009, 17:57

    I kinda hope they don’t remake the game D;
    I love that game and all it’s out of proportion characters, and really bad camera angles T___T

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  13. OWA-2
    #13 OWA-2 5 September, 2009, 21:56

    The only fear I have with a remake, is that they could decide to remove the World Map from it. That would suck.

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  14. Okami925
    #14 Okami925 6 September, 2009, 20:37

    God, I hope this happens. It’ll probably take two or three years at the least, though.
    I’d love to see that whole cross dressing / Don Corneo scene in hi-def. HILARIOUS! Hell, they might expand on the storyline a little.

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  15. kchri
    #15 kchri 7 September, 2009, 08:20

    They definitely have to add extra story lines to it if they remake it (in addition to all of the original storyline). I really was thinking that they probably will not remake it but that was back before Compilation of when FFVII wasn’t receiving as much fan-servicing work. Now it seems more like it’s possible that it will be realized – imagine it! This is a tease to me, too… But it’s fun to daydream all the same.

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  16. I Am Not Me
    #16 I Am Not Me 9 September, 2009, 18:29

    Just a guess but…

    Maybe they’re going to finally decide to remake it on 2012. Then, a year later they’re going to announce that it’s on production… teasers will be released. Another year later, it’s still being made, slated to be released 5 years later on a new fangled platform called PS4 or Xbox over 9000 plus more teasers. 3 years later it’s still not done, but a demo is slated for release the next year along with a lot of trailers and teasers and commercials. The following year the demo comes out (probably packaged with some new promotional FF thingy), and the year after that the game finally comes and we’re all happy.

    So… according to my calculations…

    The FFVII remake will be released by 2019. Hmm. So… I’m a college graduate by then, and I probably have a stable job and probably with a waning interest with video games because of my hectic adult lifestyle.

    SE needs to hurry up and do it. I’m not gonna be a fangirl forever! D8< I hope.

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  17. Reno of the Flans
    #17 Reno of the Flans 13 October, 2009, 18:09

    I will wait for as long as it takes… but I am sad and will be a fan for a LONG TIME!
    They should make it soon, so that I’m not DEAD from BOREDOM due to waiting by the time it comes out!

    *Fallen on by a flan*

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  18. Mario
    #18 Mario 16 November, 2009, 03:35

    Squex will do it if they think about frum a money point of view PLZ MAKE IT!!!!

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  19. Lithp
    #19 Lithp 24 December, 2009, 11:47

    Fair warning: This contains a lot of “you…” statements. I am not trying to ad hom you. I just think that the discussion needs to be pulled back into focus.

    1. I think you’re viewing things from too literal a perspective. For example, you keep mentioning references. We keep mentioning Kingdom Hearts. It makes references to the characters all of the time. Sephiroth’s attacks are named after moves from FFVII, he uses meteor-themed abilities, etc. They don’t prove anything. If anything, they only hurt the idea that they’re the real characters. Take the reference to what Kuja says when Zidane beats him, for example.

    The answer you gave–let’s be honest, it makes no sense. It reads like a 10-second justification to the theory that they’re the real characters. Even if you stretch your imagination to the point where the line literally fits, it’s not just about the line. It’s about the whole change of heart that Kuja has. He can’t do that twice. He can’t find out that he’s destined to die twice.

    Now, CAN you justify this? You could hypothetically say that the characters don’t remember what happens at the end of the game. The problem is that the more “what ifs” you have to come up with, the less the interpretation of the plot works.

    The references aren’t proof of anything, & the reason I’m pursuing this is that it isn’t an issue you can just agree to disagree on in a plot analysis: This would be a very core detail of the whole plot.

    2. You also have this tendency of using justifications for ideas that themselves need to be justified. For example, the idea that Cosmos and Chaos can bring people back to life. You made reference to the villains coming back, when we’re debating the very idea of whether or not they’re the real deal in another section.

    Also, on that subject, Shinryu is the only entity made reference to reviving the dead in the actual storyline.

    3. One of the reasons I didn’t like Golbez is because of his “I suck” attitude. With that, it doesn’t surprise me that he wouldn’t go after Chaos. This isn’t really a point so much as a clarification for why I used a point, though.

    The point was on Sephiroth. Most, if not all, of the villains are probably stronger–from a storyline standpoint–than the heroes. Admittedly, having the heroes do his dirty work is something he would do, so I guess this is a point that could go either way.

    However, the dialogue between him and Garland seems to indicate that, when Dissidia’s world breaks up, it will end up creating other worlds. In other words, if Sephiroth combines with Dissidia’s world, he can be God of about 10 worlds, instead of just 1.

    In theory.

    This is also part of a major mindscrew presented in the Reports. Namely, the worlds that Dissidia is supposedly made up of might not even exist yet. The idea that FF1’s world gives life to the other worlds is a pretty obvious reference.

    Whether or not it’s JUST a reference is a question they leave unanswered by making it simply speculation on Cid’s part.

    4. I think you’re focusing way too much on the “Cosmos might be fashioned after Cid’s wife” thing. It’s just an idea. Also, I’m not implying anything. At one point, I thought Cosmos might be the clone, but I later dismissed that as unlikely, if not impossible.

    5. With my question of “when did the events in the backstory take place?” I am asking just that. I’m not declaring anything a plot hole.

    6. I’m not convinced the time loop broke at all. Even if it did, Dissidia could still come after the events of FF1. Garland was still alive. Presumably, so were the Fiends. He could have become Chaos again. Then the ending would signify that Warrior of Light was heading back to Cornelia basically to go, “I won, bitches!”

    Not that I don’t see what you’re saying or even outright disagree with it. The point of presenting another workable hypothesis is to see if either are defeated by the evidence. It’s the only real way to answer the question “is this a sequal or a prequal?”

    7. Wait, didn’t we previously establish that Cid was talking about creating the being of harmony when Garland already existed? Am I misssing something, here? Forgive me if I am, but due to whatever mix-up* is currently going on with this page, I don’t have the previous comments to draw reference from.

    *=For some reason, the comments are all from the article about a potential FFVII remake.

    8. Let me get this straight: “Garland was bio-engineered with the ability to control Discord” sounds more ridiculous than “He was somehow created out of memories stolen from a god given form”?

    9. I honestly don’t need examples to show you that the characters being real messes with the original stories. I gave you 1 in the form of Kuja, but it should be obvious that this idea could only be justified with the original characters just never talking about it again. This, of course, is ridiculous. Think about if you were one of these characters. Your world was just blinked out of existence. You travelled to another universe. You fought with people from other universes. You not only met God, you met TWO Gods. You took part in a battle that saved not only the world but everything to ever exist ever anywhere. In other words, it doesn’t work because of Occam’s Razor.

    Even so, there are already several character contradictions that are named on the 2nd page & justified with “God did it.” There are also numerous issues of where, precisely in the story, these characters are picked up. If Terra already beat Kefka, how come she can’t control her powers? If she hasn’t, why can Kefka go into his god mode? If Sephiroth has the Black Materia, why doesn’t he just blow everyone to shit with Meteor? If the Emperor has already become the Emperor of Hell, how come Firion is surprised that he came back to life? How come Kuja can go into Trance mode without taking someone’s soul? How come Jecht doesn’t become a giant when he turns into the Final Aeon?

    The reason the theory that the characters are shadows is valid is not because it “cheapens” or “enriches” anything. It’s because it can explain all of these with the least amount of extra-content justification.

    10. Cid says that he took part in the Manikin experiment through “observing how the gods called followers.” The problem is that this doesn’t really tell us anything. Were they calling them from the same worlds? Different worlds? Did they call these exact heroes? Were their calls successful?

    The initial cutscene implies that there used to be more heroes that we never see. It’s…honestly pretty obvious that the ones in the game are advanced Manikins. I feel this is spelled out several times & the only evidence you’ve really given me against it is entirely dependent on an incredibly vague portion of the storyline. It’s suppositional, in other words.

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    • Lithp
      Lithp 24 December, 2009, 11:53

      “…I am not trying to ad hom you. I just think this discussion needs to be pulled back into focus.”

      Stupid editing feature not working.

  20. Squall_of_SeeD
    #20 Squall_of_SeeD 24 December, 2009, 18:42

    -“I just think that the discussion needs to be pulled back into focus.”

    Well, it does now. Several of your newest statements have obfuscated what’s being discussed, as well as the material around which the discussion revolves.

    For example: ” … you keep mentioning references. We keep mentioning Kingdom Hearts. It makes references to the characters all of the time. Sephiroth’s attacks are named after moves from FFVII, he uses meteor-themed abilities, etc. They don’t prove anything.”

    I wasn’t talking about easter eggs when I said “references.” I’m talking about that, throughout the story of Dissidia, not only is there acknowledgement of these characters’ pasts, but the point is also made on numerous occasions to them going home.

    So, again, this issue is that the story is either meaning what it tells us or — despite no indication to the effect — doing exactly the opposite of what it tells us is going on.

    By the way, *you* keep talking about Kingdom Hearts. *I* haven’t brought it up at all.

    -“The answer you gave–let’s be honest, it makes no sense.”

    If we’re being honest, then,yes, it makes sufficiently cogent sense. “I tried to kill you and your friends *again* and yet you’re still trying to help me? Wtf?!”

    You don’t think that’s a believable reaction? If you say no, then we’re not being honest.

    Zidane’s willingness to take yet another chance on him *is* something to wtf over.

    -“He can’t find out that he’s destined to die twice.”

    He doesn’t, so why bring it up? He’s not suffering from the ticking time-bomb he was in FFIX.

    -“You could hypothetically say that the characters don’t remember what happens at the end of the game. The problem is that the more ‘what ifs’ you have to come up with, the less the interpretation of the plot works.”

    The only one I see bringing in “What if” scenarios is yourself. “Kuja is baffled that Zidane would take yet another chance on him” is not a “What if” — it’s an observation is what plainly shown to us via Kuja’s bafflement.

    In any case, absolutely *nothing* is dependent on the characters not having their memories of Dissidia’s events once the war is over. There is no hole in any of the other game’s plots created by this.

    Those stories have already happened. They’re over. The characters existed *beyond* those endings.

    You also have this tendency of using justifications for ideas that themselves need to be justified. For example, the idea that Cosmos and Chaos can bring people back to life.”

    I don’t have to justify anything when a major element of the plot involves the villains coming back to life every time they’re killed. Hell, look at Mateus alone — he dies at least three times (killed by WoL, Firion and Jecht) during the story, but keeps coming back.

    As well, both the words “resurrected” and “reborn” are used in reference to the villains coming back, and when the Emperor says “As long as Chaos exists, so will we,” he is outright asked “You mean, back from the dead?” — to which he replies “Indeed.”

    So, yes, Cosmos and Chaos very much have the power to bring back the dead. I don’t have to prove this because the story has already done so, and stated it blatantly numerous times.

    -“However, the dialogue between him and Garland seems to indicate that, when Dissidia’s world breaks up, it will end up creating other worlds. In other words, if Sephiroth combines with Dissidia’s world, he can be God of about 10 worlds, instead of just 1.

    In theory.”

    “In theory”? So — given that it’s not suggested by the story itself — it’s a “What if,” isn’t it?

    All that we’re told about what the state of the worlds will be should Chaos fall is this: “… the shards would be released, returning to where they once were.”

    In other words, we’re told that things will go back to the way they were before the universes were shattered. For all you even know, if Seph *had* attempted to assimilate Dissidia’s world, the results would no longer even be in effect after Chaos was defeated.

    -“The idea that FF1’s world gives life to the other worlds is a pretty obvious reference.”

    Except it’s not implied at all.

    Golbez explicitly says this: “This world is formed of shards brought from different realms by the two gods. As long as Chaos reigns, the shards are fated to sink into endless darkness. But if Chaos perishes, the shards would be released, returning to where they once were.”

    Garland says the same thing: “This world is composed of elements collected from different realms. If Chaos were to perish, all would be released to give life to new worlds.”

    If things have been pulled from different realms to create Dissidia’s world, and they’ll be going back to “where they once were,” then they clearly existed in some capacity — not that it matters anyway given that Cosmos and Chaos obviously transcend time, seeing as how they have pawns from different eras.

    -“I think you’re focusing way too much on the ‘Cosmos might be fashioned after Cid’s wife’ thing. It’s just an idea.”

    An idea which you brought up for us to discuss, yes?

    -“With my question of ‘when did the events in the backstory take place?’ I am asking just that. I’m not declaring anything a plot hole.”

    Well, it’s impossible to pinpoint. It would have had to be before Tiamat took the Flying Fortress from the Lufenians, but that’s as much as we can be sure of.

    -“I’m not convinced the time loop broke at all.”

    Then you’re ignoring what the game outright told you, as the first line from the ending narration is, “The time loop was severed at last”:

    -“Even if it did, Dissidia could still come after the events of FF1.”

    Based on what? During Dissidia, Garland still refers to himself and Chaos as one — yet the time loop of FFI broke when the event of Garland being pulled to the past to become Chaos was prevented.

    -“Garland was still alive. Presumably, so were the Fiends.”

    The Four Fiends were killed 2000 years in the past. They’re dead.

    -“He could have become Chaos again.”

    Sounds like a baseless “What if” to me. I thought you said I was the one throwing out “What if” scenarios while you were the one just going off what was shown to us?

    Your hypocrisy — and general intellectual dishonesty within this debate — has become offensive and downright insulting.

    Not that I don’t see what you’re saying or even outright disagree with it. The point of presenting another workable hypothesis is to see if either are defeated by the evidence.”

    If you were seeking the most workable of theories, you wouldn’t be attributing things to me that I haven’t said (mention of Kingdom Hearts), distorting the meaning of words I have used (“references”), denying the validity of basic premises that are the most simple of observations (Kuja’s “Why?” line, for example), ignoring blatant statements (the villains being resurrected during Dissidia, and the very first line of FFI’s ending), and you wouldn’t be applying copious double-standards (the “What if” matters).

    While you started out this discussion as a stimulating enough quarry, at this point, the debate has deterioriated to the point that I feel you’re donwright impossible to debate with.

    -“Wait, didn’t we previously establish that Cid was talking about creating the being of harmony when Garland already existed?”

    No. No, we didn’t.

    That has been your assertion, which you’ve yet to reconcile with the fact that he spoke of creating the being of harmony while still following the orders of the Lufenian nation. Not to mention that other pesky fact — that the child with power over the discord was used to defend Lufenia from invaders, while the “being of harmony” who could control the discord was created to defend Lufenia from invaders.

    -“Am I misssing something, here? Forgive me if I am, but due to whatever mix-up* is currently going on with this page, I don’t have the previous comments to draw reference from.

    *=For some reason, the comments are all from the article about a potential FFVII remake.”

    I’m unsure why the page is like that. The site’s owner upgraded something and there’s some bugs in it, obviously. I’m hoping it gets fixed soon.

    In the meantime, sorry for the inconvenience.

    -“Let me get this straight: ‘Garland was bio-engineered with the ability to control Discord” sounds more ridiculous than “He was somehow created out of memories stolen from a god given form’?”

    Given that we *already* know that *a* being was created out of memories stolen from a god and that this being was able to control discord, I’m going to go with yes.

    If they’d had other means of tapping into the power of discord and harnessing it, what would have been the purpose in bio-engineering the kid to begin with?

    -“I honestly don’t need examples to show you that the characters being real messes with the original stories.”

    Actually, you kind of do. You have made an assertion with a debate. You must now support your assertion with evidence.

    That’s how debate works.

    I gave you 1 in the form of Kuja, but it should be obvious that this idea could only be justified with the original characters just never talking about it again.”

    And why is that a problem? Does the characters in Dissidia being real necessitate that they make a 2-minute sequel to FFIX in which Zidane talks about the war seen in Dissidia?


    For that matter, even where we have sequel material in play (FFVII), it’s not a problem. If Cloud’s not going to tell us every time he goes to the bathroom, then I don’t expect him to randomly talk about Dissidia’s war.

    That said, a sensible theory has been posited in the following thread, giving credence to the idea that Cloud *does* acknowledge his time in Dissidia’s war:

    This, of course, is ridiculous. Think about if you were one of these characters. Your world was just blinked out of existence. You travelled to another universe. You fought with people from other universes. You not only met God, you met TWO Gods. You took part in a battle that saved not only the world but everything to ever exist ever anywhere. In other words, it doesn’t work because of Occam’s Razor.”

    So, again, what are you suggesting? That a bunch of two-minute sequels are now required?

    That Cloud constantly make reference to Dissidia in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus?

    Seriously *what* are you driving at?

    -“Even so, there are already several character contradictions that are named on the 2nd page & justified with ‘God did it.'”

    In a story where gods did, in fact, do quite a bit.

    In any event, the only instance where that was even used is with regard to Kefka’s powers, and — to a lesser extent — Terra’s.

    Still building that bridge to dishonest debate, I see.

    -“There are also numerous issues of where, precisely in the story, these characters are picked up.”

    Given that their profiles refer to their adventures from the previous games in the past tense, it’s simple enough to simply take it at how it’s been said, no?

    So there’s not numerous issues raised. In fact, there’s not even one.

    -“If Terra already beat Kefka, how come she can’t control her powers?”

    Because she’s Terra. Even the full-blooded Espers lost control and caused heavy damage to Vector’s main city during the original game.

    “If she hasn’t, why can Kefka go into his god mode?”

    If his EX Mode is any indincation, he can — just not whenever and however he feels like it.

    If Sephiroth has the Black Materia, why doesn’t he just blow everyone to shit with Meteor?”

    You know as well as I that Meteor moves extremely slowly. Besides, Black Materia *is* a move that Seph has in Dissidia, sowhatever.

    If the Emperor has already become the Emperor of Hell, how come Firion is surprised that he came back to life?”

    Maybe because he didn’t come back when they killed him as the Emperor of Hell?

    You’re really grasping at straws now.

    -“How come Kuja can go into Trance mode without taking someone’s soul?”

    There’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to go into a Trance of his own. Emotions are all that are required for Trance according to FFIX’s Ultimania:

    Certainly by the end of FFIX, at the least, Kuja had gone through a number of experiences that should have provided him with emotions.

    -“How come Jecht doesn’t become a giant when he turns into the Final Aeon?”

    Are you really going to nitpick over why a spiritual entity doesn’t always appear the same size? When Shiva from FFX was the same size as normal people anyway?

    And when it would have been problematic for the developers to have portrayed Braska’s Final Aeon from that size?

    -“The reason the theory that the characters are shadows is valid is not because it ‘cheapens’ or ‘enriches’ anything. It’s because it can explain all of these with the least amount of extra-content justification.”

    As I imagine is probably obvious, I disagree. I think it creates a lot of issues.

    You didn’t answer me, by the way, on why you believe that Dissidia’s world could plausibly include a chunk of FFVII’s world, but not the real people from that world.

    -“Cid says that he took part in the Manikin experiment through ‘observing how the gods called followers.’ The problem is that this doesn’t really tell us anything. Were they calling them from the same worlds? Different worlds?”

    From the opening FMV: “… the two gods had gathered warriors from
    all lands.”

    -“The initial cutscene implies that there used to be more heroes that we never see. It’s…honestly pretty obvious that the ones in the game are advanced Manikins. I feel this is spelled out several times & the only evidence you’ve really given me against it is entirely dependent on an incredibly vague portion of the storyline. It’s suppositional, in other words.”

    While your argument is entirely dependent on ignoring what the game constantly tells us about them going home, as well as their memories.

    Furthermore, you still refuse to even address the point I’ve asked you about more than once: How is it that Kuja is new to the cycle if Cid is responsible for the personalities of the heroes and villains — despite speaking of his experimentation with manikins in the past tense?

    If you can’t even address such a simple question, then you’re being dishonest.

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