
The Love Triangle of FFVII – An Analysis by Squall_of_SeeD

by September 25, 2009 0 comments


Ahh, the Love Triangle of Final Fantasy VII. It is arguably, the most passionately discussed topic of all of FFVII fandom. Going by the comments on this site, at least.

Today, we post the next article from his FAQ, written by Squall_of_SeeD. In this one, he’ll analyze the hot button topic of Cloud’s feelings and affections for the two heroines of FFVII: Aerith and Tifa. What do the creators and story have to say regarding Cloud’s feelings for the two? Anything? Squall_of_SeeD gives us the answer.

With great pleasure, we host this controversial, yet well written and insightful analysis. Enjoy!

EDIT: As expected, Squall_of_SeeD and I have received lot’s of feedback, both positive and negative, regarding this article. Squall_of_SeeD decided that it was necessary to address several of the additional points and critiques of his analysis that were mentioned, and with that, he has amended several portions of his FAQ regarding his analysis. You can read the newly edited article below.

Squall_of_SeeD is such a slave driver making me update this FAQ again, today, the eve of Halloween. But he’s just a stickler for completion. So again. Take a look at what else has been added XD


Initially, I’d intended for this FAQ to ignore the Love Triangle
Debate like a plague. It succeeded in that for a good number of years, but updating it after an absence of more than three years from this fandom, I feel a need to address this topic.

Why? You know, I’m really not sure. Probably because it’s hard to call the FAQ’s analysis complete when I don’t even talk about what remains the most passionately and frequently debated aspect of the game more than 12 years after its release.

The Love Triangle Debate, of course, centers around whether Cloud had more romantic feelings toward Aerith or Tifa. Basically, who did he want to be with?

Twelve years after the release of Final Fantasy VII, the most passionately and frequently debated aspect of the game remains the Love Triangle Debate.

For those nine of you who don’t know, the Love Triangle Debate centers around whether Cloud had more romantic feelings toward Aerith or Tifa. Basically, who did he want to be with?

Those fans who prefer — or “‘ship”, as the verb goes — CloudxAerith are known in the fandom as Cleriths, while those who ‘ship’ CloudxTifa are called Clotis. That being said, obviously a Clerith may still argue that Cloti is canon, and a Cloti might argue the opposite if it’s what they believe.

Generally speaking though, those in both camps argue in favor of their preferred relationship as canon.

While I’ve had my preference since the beginning, it was initially based on my own preferences in women. More to the point, I couldn’t stand Aerith and adored Tifa. That’s still the case 12 years later, though it obviously doesn’t have to be the same for Cloud.

None of that is to say that I don’t like Aerith; just not in “that way,” if you get me. I simply prefer more somber and restrained females. Still, if you fear my declared preference for Tifa may bias my views in this analysis, that’s not an unreasonable concern.

However, in any public address, it’s necessary to state one’s personal views upfront. Otherwise, it becomes a question of honesty.

Whether I am credible I leave to each of you to decide.

I do believe this, though: You won’t find someone with no opinion on the LTD actually discussing the matter at length. Not only because it takes a vested interest in the first place, but because it’s impossible.

Anyone analyzing data and drawing conclusions from it, even if they began as neutral, no longer is by the end of the process. This is as true of researchers making employ of the scientific method as it is of scholars conducting media analysis.

They must, of course, attempt to distance themselves as much as possible while drawing their conclusions, though. You are free to determine otherwise if not convinced, but I believe my three-and-a-half-year absence from this fandom has given me a degree of distance. I will tell you outright that I could not have objectively discussed this matter in 2005.

I believe I can do so now.

In any case, as said, I am a Cloti. Accommodating me and so many others, the original game’s developers designed it such that the player’s own choices influence who Cloud’s affection is greatest for in the original game.

The way several scenes play out are influenced by this, and, consequently, it left Cloud’s feelings ambiguous at the end of the game. As an additional consequence, it meant players would debate, disagree with and flame one another for more than the next decade since there was no definitive answer.

There were no official declarations in interviews, no scenes in the newer FFVII titles featuring Cloud and one of the ladies in an overtly romantic context, and no apparent end in sight to the blood feud that lay between fans of the two pairings.

The only statement about Cloud’s feelings that could be given with complete confidence is that he cared about both women very much. Now, however, I believe more than that can be done.

I believe there’s now a definitive answer.

The only statement about Cloud’s feelings that could be given with complete confidence is that he cared about both women very much. Now, however, more than that can be done.

There’s now a definitive answer.

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  1. Ninira
    #1 Ninira 17 September, 2009, 15:30

    One thing I never understood about Cloud loving Aerith (besides the did he or didn’t he question) is does that mean he couldn’t love Tifa? Would it make one love less than the other? Yeah, I agree it’d be pretty unrealistic for him to love Tifa ever since he had a crush on her as a kid, but it’s also unrealistic to expect him to be in love with Aerith and only love her forevermore, especially since he expressed a desire to move in with Tifa and such.

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  2. Tifaeria
    #2 Tifaeria 18 September, 2009, 01:02

    Very nice analysis you put up here SoS. I don’t care what anybody says, it was nice and non-biased for me. All these people getting upset made me lol! :monster:

    I also agree with Cthulhu on bringing another essay if you guys don’t agree with this one…but honestly, I don’t think they are gonna submit an essay anyway. :wacky:

    Reply to this comment
  3. Buxx
    #3 Buxx 18 September, 2009, 06:44

    Well I believe this is a good article, I still don’t believe
    in C/T. A C/T-shipper wrote this so truth be told, it’s
    clear he/she would ‘side’ with C/T. I do give C/T a
    good look here and there but I really like their family-based
    relationship over romance.

    I’m not going to start up a big debate. Just wanted to
    make a comment.

    Also, I don’t like how people are saying Cloud put Zack’s
    sword in Aeris’ church as a symbol of Z/A. The sword
    originated from Angeal… So, Angeal/Zack/Cloud/Aeris ftw?

    Reply to this comment
    • Vendel
      Vendel 18 September, 2009, 07:57

      So Cloud and Tifa are raising two children as what? Platonic life partners? Is that somehow supposed to make sense? At all.

      As for the sword in the church. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANGEAL?

      Think before you type something stupid.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 27 November, 2009, 11:06

      I thought Marlene is Barret’s daughter…
      Was Marlene raised by Barret and Tifa before?

    • Vendel
      Vendel 28 November, 2009, 10:35

      Marlene is Barret’s adoptive daughter. A week after the new 7th Heaven is built he leaves her in Cloud and Tifa’s care. And as of compilation time C/T have been her primary caregivers for the better part of 4 years.

      And no before this point Tifa was not raising Marlene with Barret. She was solely Barret’s responsibility. There is a big difference between watching someone’s kid for a bit while they go blow up reactors and adopting that child after the father removes himself from the equation.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 1 December, 2009, 10:53

      I wonder why Cloud and Tifa didn’t have their own children during that 4 years if their relationship is more than Platonic life partners.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 1 December, 2009, 14:31

      “I wonder why Cloud and Tifa didn’t have their own children during that 4 years if their relationship is more than Platonic life partners.” -rabbitbooboo

      I guess adopting Denzil doesn’t count?

      I don’t know if it is sad or funny that one would ascribe such arbitrary and ever moving standards for them to be romantically involved.

      Honestly only in this retarded as fuck fandom could someone say that two people in C/T’s situation who “realize their feelings for each other” and live together while raising two children would be described as anything but in a relationship.

    • AeriSeph ftw
      AeriSeph ftw 19 September, 2009, 06:58

      yeah but, Cloud never met Angeal. He knows more about the history of the Buster Sword belonging to Zack.

      and in the ending scene after the credits, Cloud talks about a hero right? That can only reference to one person, which would obviously be Zack if we look back to what happened in the end of Crisis Core. The hero theme is the most prevalent to Zack, and in the end, he did die as a hero.

    • Ninira
      Ninira 19 September, 2009, 22:40

      I always assumed he was talking about himself at the end of ACC when he was referring to a hero. Mostly because Zack died there, so he certainly couldn’t have started his journey on that cliff.

    • Shadowfox
      Shadowfox 20 September, 2009, 00:58

      “Also, I don’t like how people are saying Cloud put Zack’s sword in Aeris’ church as a symbol of Z/A. The sword originated from Angeal… So, Angeal/Zack/Cloud/Aeris ftw?”

      There’s nothing to like or dislike about it. It’s a fact that the Buster Sword was a reference to Zack. Everytime the Buster Sword appeared in the movie or was interacted with in any way, it was as a connection to Zack. His death site. Cloud’s promise to Zack. Zack’s newest appearance in the final battle.

      So as far as Cloud and the movie audience are concerned, the Buster Sword==Zack. Angeal has nothing to do with it.

  4. anomooose
    #4 anomooose 22 September, 2009, 02:46

    I love the fact that, even after all these years, the topic is still debated through forums, fanfics and numerous articles like this. It’s an amazing aspect of FF fandom that still makes me smile.

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  5. SaraSadistic
    #5 SaraSadistic 25 September, 2009, 06:52

    Really great article!

    When I first played FF7, many years ago, I always chose the Aeris over Tifa options. I was pushing so hard for them to be together! But…circumstances of the game changed with Aeris’ death. Even if I was pro- one way or the other, I think it would be unfair to ask Cloud as a character to pine unhappily for the rest of his life over a person who has so obviously chosen someone else. That is just my opinion…

    Really great work here, lots of great quotes and references. Good job!

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  6. Nagashiwa
    #6 Nagashiwa 27 September, 2009, 00:51

    Haha, and now, we all know that he did choose for Tifa anyway.. But I think just in the friend-friend way.

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  7. Treyu
    #7 Treyu 5 October, 2009, 22:33

    Nice analysis and all; I like how you didn’t put down any other ship to support the other, since so many of them seem to do that, if not all.

    But I don’t agree with the ending. There is no definitive “answer” on who Cloud loves and there never will be. Because fandom will go crazy; if he loves Aeris, CloTi fans will hate. If he loves Tifa, Cleris fans will hate. This is why it was never revealed who he loved more.

    I can’t help but feel that if you were a Cleris fan you’d say otherwise with your final answer. It just bothers me that people say, “oh this is the final answer” when I’ve seen many more examples of people saying, “yeah, it’s never been revealed.”

    There is a lot of evidence that he loves Aeris and he loves Tifa. Clack fans think of evidence that he loves Zack, but this is the love triangle you’ve discussed here. Anyway, it’s a love triangle for a reason. Never to be completely answered until one day we actually hear, “Cloud and Tifa are living together in a romantic relationship” in a non vague way like these interviews show. They are vague for that reason.

    inb4 everyone yells at me blahblahblah I don’t care. I have better things to do than argue for hours over which videogame pairing is actually true.

    Reply to this comment
    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 5 October, 2009, 22:38

      So why did you bother offering your inane comment that ignored everything in the article?

    • Vendel
      Vendel 5 October, 2009, 23:12

      Ah yes the last defense of the rabid Clerith. “There is no answer”.

      I wonder. Do they truly know that they have done a significant stance shift? Or do they still believe CiC but don’t want to come off as completely ridiculous? The informed ones that is. Not the poor bastards who don’t know any better.

    • says says says
      says says says 11 October, 2009, 10:12

      I’m Clotis and Zerith, that works and it is absolute. Clerith like to argue that the CREATORS of FF7 wouldn’t give an absolute definitive answer to the “who does Cloud love (more)” question… but umm.. rain check Treyu, ‘the CREATORS of the GAME’!! If it weren’t for them you wouldn’t have characters to argue about! So go nom a cheese pizza and accept the TRUTH!!!

      PS. Great Article. 😀

  8. Reno of the Flans
    #8 Reno of the Flans 12 October, 2009, 21:38

    Well I think Tifa is a plank…
    But my sister thinks I am just like her…
    I have also been compared to Naomi Misora from Death Note, so I think people see me as some ninja woman with long black hair who is a bit of a plank…
    I am a lot more violent than Tifa, and I would NEVER get myself killed by some “serious, straight-A student” who thinks he’s better than L, SO THERE…gasp…wheeze…

    Reply to this comment
  9. Vincent Vegetable
    #9 Vincent Vegetable 12 October, 2009, 21:40

    There you go again Reno the ranter…
    Please excuse my idiot friend who cannot keep her mouth shut.

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  10. Nostros
    #10 Nostros 22 October, 2009, 22:57

    I remember back in the day when FF mystic quest was released a lot of american fans tried to attack some of the staff of Square. Don’t you think the same will happen if a direct answer is given to the LTD?

    In the meantime all we have is quotes and some data to keep us entertained and debating. We will have some references for cloti and then they release some info that could be interpreted as clerith, and viceversa. They will keep doing that because it’s in their best interests. How do you think they keep getting money, by giving an answer or by fueling the Debate? They found a cost of opportunity and they exploited it. It’s all economics and marketing and were the ones caught in it. I happen to be marketing graduate from Cornell. Its all demand and offer theories. Promote a product, get money and then fuel the necessity for it to get even more money; then they laugh at their customer’s frantic behavior and necessity. I won’t disclose my workplace but that’s what the company I work for does, and I’m the guy who does the dirty work. But I got to work for a living.

    I hope that whoever reads this does with an open mind. I’m a neutral person who’s looking for information to make my own conclusion. I won’t give a point or pick a side until I get all the facts. I write this from a businessman standpoint, which is completely neutral from the Debate.

    Reply to this comment
    • Ryushikaze
      Ryushikaze 23 October, 2009, 03:54

      Nostros… you have all the facts, certainly more then enough to draw a conclusion from. Unless you are setting the standard of ‘absolute proof’ a useless and unrealistic standard that not even the legal system uses, we have been presented with more than enough evidence to conclude Cloud and Tifa are together. We’ve been given more evidence for them than most other couples people have no trouble accepting as canon. Just because there are people arguing both sides, Nostros, it does not mean that both sides are equal, or that one side even has a leg to stand on.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 27 November, 2009, 23:43

      Nostros, very nice analysis!

  11. Darksteel
    #11 Darksteel 23 October, 2009, 03:23

    I just finished playing CC and I have to admit that although a Zerith was cute, that 89th letter tells me that she moved on after that. Hence why she says in FFVII that Zack was her first love and that they werent serious, but that she liked him for a while.

    I’m trying to do this as unbiased as possible. I read your essay and a couple more and I have a whole different opinion on this matter. All of us choose a side and become shippers on who we like, regardless of the evidence presented, so our opinions are biased, whether we say otherwise.

    The evidence presented and submitted by SE is meant to be inconclusive. Its designed for us to see what we want to see, hence why they say is up to interpretation. Its a very intelligent move on their part. Taking that in consideration, then I will give my opinion on the matter. Take it as food for thought and with an open mind.

    My opinion based on the analysis is that Cloud loved BOTH Tifa and Aeris. I’ll give my input as short as possible. Before you flame give it some thought:

    The KH quote says that the ending was a side story that could be taken as resolution for FFVII. In this, I agree. Had Aerith survived, that was the most likely outcome because the default character for the date is her. On the other hand, we have Tifa as Cloud’s childhood crush, so he also had feelings for her. Which lead us to the Highwind scenario: something happened there. But just because something happened there doesnt mean that they got together.

    Now we have a lot of quotes from the ultimanias, creators and the compilation that were designed to be inconclusive and ambiguous so that we formed our own opinions, but if you use them all literally you can come up with the possible answer I came: Cloud loved Aerith and her love for her will remain in his heart, but he decided to move on and start over with Tifa, whom he also loved since he was a child. His feelings of guilt were what had him troubled during ACC, which is what COT presents, but at the same time it also shows what Cloud and Tifa’s were in a relationship.

    In conclusion, just because Cloud loved Aerith, doesnt mean that he cant love Tifa. His love for Tifa allowed him to move on with her. At the same time, just because he moved on with a new life with Tifa does not mean that he stopped loving Aerith.

    Analyze this, dont flame quickly and let it sink with an unbiased mind. Read this without having already an opinion, and after that, if you want me to write a thorough essay then I will. But lets be mature about this. Resorting to flaming means that there’s no respect for other people’s opinion.

    Reply to this comment
    • Ryushikaze
      Ryushikaze 31 December, -0001, 00:00

      No, flaming does not mean that. It generally mean people are getting irritated at the actions of the flamed.

      That said, your big flaw here is the assumption that he loves both. That is an assumption, and you have not validated it yet.

      Nextly, the quote Re: KH only says that it might serve as commentary on FF7, but even then, KH:FM shows that he wasn’t looking for Aerith, but looking for Sephiroth. Further, KH2 shows that meeting Aerith again didn’t help, that he was more mired in darkness than ever. Hardly a positive statement on the C/A relationship if it’s supposed to be one.

      Lastly, how are ‘Tifa is someone’s lover’ ‘Cloud and Tifa belong together’ ‘Cloud and Tifa revealed their feelings for each other’ or the comment by Noj that CoT’s premise (when asked if CoT and CoB were redemption stories) was that Cloud and Tifa’s relationship would have issues, coupled with Noj’s admission that he tried not to put his feelings of love, marriage, and family into the text, and his laugh that he did anyways- ambiguous or inconclusive?
      Just to name a few.

      Seriously, Darkykins, join the forums. We’ll talk about this there.
      Specificially, Here.

    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 23 October, 2009, 03:48

      I’d like you to provide examples of inconclusive statements from the creators or SE, before I even take the rest of your argument seriously. Because as shown in this article, which you claim to have read with an open mind, nothing about them is ambiguous or inconclusive at all, when taken with the storyline as presented. Please show me what is meant to be inconclusive.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 27 November, 2009, 12:43

      Darksteel, you are my hero! I totally agree with you! I always thought that Cloud loved both Aerith and Tifa, but every time when I posted this kind of comment, I’ll get flamed by embittered Cloti, sigh…

      I also agree with you that Aerith is the default date since according to the Final Fantasy VII: Date Mechanics Guide by TFergusson, it states that “When you reach the date, whoever has the highest Affection value will be the one chosen for the cutscene. If, however, there is a tie for the highest, then the priorities are thus: Aeris, then Tifa, then Yuffie, and finally Barret.”

      I know Makoeyes is gonna bark at me again like what he did last time, then other Clotis will post comment to support him and saying that my opinion is inane.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 28 November, 2009, 10:41

      1. No one ever said Cloud didn’t care about Aerith. All of AVALANCHE does. But the only one he loves is Tifa.

      2. So what? It doesn’t matter. At all.

      3. No one would “bark” at you if you had better heroes than Darksteel.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 1 December, 2009, 10:08

      1. I’ve never mentioned people think Cloud didn’t care about Aerith, what I was saying is Cloud loved both Aerith and Tifa romantically. Read thoroughly before you respond next time.

      2. I just want to make things clear since Cloti always deny that Aerith is the default date. If it doesn’t matter at all, why Cloti have to argue about it?

      When you doing analysis, you can’t ignore some facts that are opposed to your point of view and saying that it doesn’t matter at all, you have to be objective! To me, you seems like just counting the facts that support your POV.
      In this article, Squall points out lots of arguments to prove that Cloud loves Tifa only, for example he said Cloud put the buster sword in the church is one of the evidences, Clerith can argue that it doesn’t matter at all too! But I don’t see it that way, to me, every factor counts.

      3. I’m not sure if I would get barked at if my hero is Darksteel, but I know for sure I’ll get barked at fiercely if my hero were you. Fortunately, this will never ever happen.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 1 December, 2009, 14:18

      1. I know exactly what you meant. And dismissed it. The only woman who it has been said Cloud loves is Tifa. The woman he currently lives with.

      2. No date has been named canon. Although the only likely choices are the Aerith and Tifa date.

      And no matter which one is canon it simply doesn’t matter. None of your actions of the first disk have an effect on Clouds thoughts/feelings. The relationship values only affect how others think of Cloud. By the time the second disk rolls around. And with the knowledge that the “high” version of the HW scene is the canon version. You have absolutely zero control over the real Clouds actions/thoughts/feelings.

      Even if you treated Tifa as poorly as possible on the first disk and got he Aerith date. Cloud and Tifa still “realize their feelings for each other at the end of the story and live together in Ac and DC”-Crisis Core ultimania.

      3. Your loss.

    • j
      j 8 August, 2011, 20:14

      OK, so you’re making me feel that I should love at least two boys so one is spare when something happens to the other one

    • kitty
      kitty 14 May, 2020, 09:29


  12. Darksteel
    #12 Darksteel 23 October, 2009, 06:58

    What I mean by inconclusive is that the statements are designed to give each group what they want to hear. You see statements like “Tifa is someone’s lover” for example and Cloti’s claim is a point in their favor, while Clerith will say that since Cloud’s name is not there, then its not a point for the Cloti’s. There’s also more statements out there than the ones presented on this essay, but its time consuming looking for them and it will take me a while to get all of them and analyze them. After all, Im in the military and Im getting deployed. As for the whole loves both thing, I never said it was set in stone. I said it was my opinion from reading both the clotis and clerith POV. I was just mentioning the possibility that he could love them both, after all, just because someone died and you move on doesnt mean that you will stop loving them when they were someone special in your life. You wont love less your present lover for it. That happens in real life. Anyways, I will bring my arguments to the forums.

    Reply to this comment
    • Squall_of_SeeD
      Squall_of_SeeD 23 October, 2009, 09:36

      Darksteel, as you’ve not yet taken your comments to the forum, I want to go ahead and provide a reply to you here.

      But first, thank you for your feedback.

      I certainly don’t disagree with your argument that loving Tifa romantically and living with her as a domestic partner precludes having previously loved Aerith romantically. Where I disagree is with the idea that he had fallen in love with Aerith prior to her death.

      I don’t doubt that he loved her. Everyone in the group loved her, after all, and Cloud was no exception. He was definitely hurt by her murder, and it still pains him years later.

      I also wouldn’t disagree that he had an interest in her.

      That said, I never saw an indication that he chose to act upon that interest or that his interest had risen to the level of “being in love.” As well, I don’t see anything inherently romantic about the memories of her he carries around in AC/ACC.

      I’m interested in hearing your take on things. It sounds like we interpreted some scenes differently somewhere along the way.

  13. FinalFantasyAerith
    #13 FinalFantasyAerith 25 October, 2009, 17:44

    Thanks for this 🙂 It must have taken ages for you to research and type this up!

    Personally I am an Aerith/Zack fan ^_^
    When I played FF7 it was Clearith all the way but after I finished Crisis core I realised that Aerith was unintenially pressing her feelings for Zack onto the closest thing to him which happened to be Cloud. Cloud thought he WAS Zack so he thought he was in love with her too. I mean the whole scene in the lifestream where Cloud was always talking about how he was going to get tough and save Tif and how when he returns to Nibelhiem he is too shy to say hi so Tifa and Cloud shared a much more closer bond in thie’re childhood and after Cloud got over his schitzo faze.
    I think that if Aerith had stayed alive then the subsequent actions may have been different but I can only speculate like everyone else, plus it would have ruined the whole FF7 plot anyway.

    Reply to this comment
  14. Til
    #14 Til 20 November, 2009, 15:58

    I just came across this now, so forgive the two month late comment.

    Full disclosure first, I am a Cloud/Aerith supporter. However, aside from debating other fans on that matter during the first couple years after the game was released, I haven’t been involved in any fan community that deals with the subject. I should also say that Aerith and Tifa are my two favorite characters in FFVII, and I think both of them deserve better than that whiny bitch Cloud.

    That said, what this essay really boils down to is: Cloud and Tifa form a family and love each other. Which settles absolutely nothing about the love triangle.

    This essay goes to pains establishing that Cloud had feelings for Tifa. To put it bluntly, no shit. That’s why it’s a love TRIANGLE. Of course Cloud has feeling for Tifa. The question has always been for whom does Cloud have feelings for more. As far as that goes, this essay pretty much establishes the answer as Aerith, with the author pointing out that Nojima thinks Cloud/Aerith may have been a stronger relationship than Cloud/Tifa had Aerith lived.

    The only positive statement from the scenario writer for the time period when both women were vying for Cloud’s affection, is that Cloud/Aerith was the better choice.

    As for all the rest of the article, yeah, Cloud is in a relationship with a woman who loves him, as opposed to a soggy, algae infested corpse. His first choice died and her death had a profound effect on him. But in the two years since he has moved on with his life with Tifa, as has Aerith in her Lifestream afterlife with Zack.

    So I guess I was kind of wrong. This essay does put an end to the debate. Coming straight from the scenario writer’s mouth: Cloud/Aerith.

    Reply to this comment
    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 20 November, 2009, 20:04

      So a statement that denotes Cloud/Aerith as an unrealized hypothetical that never actually happened, proves Cloud and Aerith were the better couple and in love? Rofl. Ok. I love how pinkers keep shifting the goal posts for what demonstrates “TRU WUV” but it takes Cloud literally moving in and starting a family for them to begrudgingly admit Cloud and Tifa *might* be in a relationship. Priceless.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 26 November, 2009, 12:21

      I love how the ability to comprehend seems absent with CIC folks. So stating that things might have gone well with Aerith is a statement that Cloud loves her more than Tifa and Aerith would be better for him?

      Or similar statements about Tifa not understanding all of the complexities of Cloud’s heart means she doesn’t know him at all.

      As for settling the love triangle? That was settled when Aerith died. Or maybe when Cloud and Tifa were in the lifestream. or maybe under the highwind. or maybe when they moved in with each other. or maybe when they began to raise children together.

    • kitty
      kitty 14 May, 2020, 09:31

      beautiful ?

  15. RandomFan
    #15 RandomFan 20 January, 2010, 03:24

    Why can’t we all just get along and ship with any couple we choose? Do we really have to make topics/essays/research papers to prove which couple is the best? I support Clerith and I don’t mind Cloti. Let’s just put our imaginative minds together to make a fanfic that’s beautiful. It could also get your mind off of stress! So let’s write, ne? 🙂

    Mas maraming Cloti fans sa Philippines kesa sa Clerith pero ok lang…I’ll still support Clerith no matter what happens! 😉

    Reply to this comment
    • Squall_of_SeeD
      Squall_of_SeeD 20 January, 2010, 06:07

      Well, the purpose of this article wasn’t to argue which couple is the best. It was simply to argue what I believe is the intended/canon couple. That’s really based entirely on literary analysis — with some help from the supplementary materials, of course — rather than preference.

      Thanks for your post.

  16. Teresa
    #16 Teresa 24 January, 2010, 03:31

    Can we add in Clerras for those who think when Cloud meets Terra in Dissidia, it’s love? XD

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  17. Adven277
    #17 Adven277 22 May, 2010, 02:17

    i hope that this triangle will end soon. I just want my heart to be at ease. hahaha.

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  18. xyleen_0709
    #18 xyleen_0709 26 May, 2010, 10:25

    hmm. i prefer aerith to be with zack. they make a perfect couple since they’re both in heaven. bout cloud and tifa they were childhood friends nd cloud has a crush on tifa since they were kids. 😀 happy couples.

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    • Adven277
      Adven277 26 May, 2010, 10:47

      yeah, I’m a cloti, so I couln’t agree more. I just felt that the moment I saw Tifa, she was the one for Cloud.

  19. Clerra
    #19 Clerra 26 May, 2010, 11:08

    Terra and Cloud are meant to be! I bet they will show that in Dissidia 2.

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    • Adven277
      Adven277 26 May, 2010, 11:19

      hahaha, I respect your opinion. They do look good together.:)

    • Clerra
      Clerra 26 May, 2010, 11:59


  20. Bisojo1218
    #20 Bisojo1218 30 May, 2010, 05:31


    my opinion is, that Cloud and Tifa look better together and so do Aerith and Zack. I just think that the FF7 story will be way better if Cloud was inlove with Aerith and no one else. If he remains the same feelings he had with Aerith before, will create an awesome story.

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