
The Love Triangle of FFVII – An Analysis by Squall_of_SeeD

by September 25, 2009 0 comments


Ahh, the Love Triangle of Final Fantasy VII. It is arguably, the most passionately discussed topic of all of FFVII fandom. Going by the comments on this site, at least.

Today, we post the next article from his FAQ, written by Squall_of_SeeD. In this one, he’ll analyze the hot button topic of Cloud’s feelings and affections for the two heroines of FFVII: Aerith and Tifa. What do the creators and story have to say regarding Cloud’s feelings for the two? Anything? Squall_of_SeeD gives us the answer.

With great pleasure, we host this controversial, yet well written and insightful analysis. Enjoy!

EDIT: As expected, Squall_of_SeeD and I have received lot’s of feedback, both positive and negative, regarding this article. Squall_of_SeeD decided that it was necessary to address several of the additional points and critiques of his analysis that were mentioned, and with that, he has amended several portions of his FAQ regarding his analysis. You can read the newly edited article below.

Squall_of_SeeD is such a slave driver making me update this FAQ again, today, the eve of Halloween. But he’s just a stickler for completion. So again. Take a look at what else has been added XD


Initially, I’d intended for this FAQ to ignore the Love Triangle
Debate like a plague. It succeeded in that for a good number of years, but updating it after an absence of more than three years from this fandom, I feel a need to address this topic.

Why? You know, I’m really not sure. Probably because it’s hard to call the FAQ’s analysis complete when I don’t even talk about what remains the most passionately and frequently debated aspect of the game more than 12 years after its release.

The Love Triangle Debate, of course, centers around whether Cloud had more romantic feelings toward Aerith or Tifa. Basically, who did he want to be with?

Twelve years after the release of Final Fantasy VII, the most passionately and frequently debated aspect of the game remains the Love Triangle Debate.

For those nine of you who don’t know, the Love Triangle Debate centers around whether Cloud had more romantic feelings toward Aerith or Tifa. Basically, who did he want to be with?

Those fans who prefer — or “‘ship”, as the verb goes — CloudxAerith are known in the fandom as Cleriths, while those who ‘ship’ CloudxTifa are called Clotis. That being said, obviously a Clerith may still argue that Cloti is canon, and a Cloti might argue the opposite if it’s what they believe.

Generally speaking though, those in both camps argue in favor of their preferred relationship as canon.

While I’ve had my preference since the beginning, it was initially based on my own preferences in women. More to the point, I couldn’t stand Aerith and adored Tifa. That’s still the case 12 years later, though it obviously doesn’t have to be the same for Cloud.

None of that is to say that I don’t like Aerith; just not in “that way,” if you get me. I simply prefer more somber and restrained females. Still, if you fear my declared preference for Tifa may bias my views in this analysis, that’s not an unreasonable concern.

However, in any public address, it’s necessary to state one’s personal views upfront. Otherwise, it becomes a question of honesty.

Whether I am credible I leave to each of you to decide.

I do believe this, though: You won’t find someone with no opinion on the LTD actually discussing the matter at length. Not only because it takes a vested interest in the first place, but because it’s impossible.

Anyone analyzing data and drawing conclusions from it, even if they began as neutral, no longer is by the end of the process. This is as true of researchers making employ of the scientific method as it is of scholars conducting media analysis.

They must, of course, attempt to distance themselves as much as possible while drawing their conclusions, though. You are free to determine otherwise if not convinced, but I believe my three-and-a-half-year absence from this fandom has given me a degree of distance. I will tell you outright that I could not have objectively discussed this matter in 2005.

I believe I can do so now.

In any case, as said, I am a Cloti. Accommodating me and so many others, the original game’s developers designed it such that the player’s own choices influence who Cloud’s affection is greatest for in the original game.

The way several scenes play out are influenced by this, and, consequently, it left Cloud’s feelings ambiguous at the end of the game. As an additional consequence, it meant players would debate, disagree with and flame one another for more than the next decade since there was no definitive answer.

There were no official declarations in interviews, no scenes in the newer FFVII titles featuring Cloud and one of the ladies in an overtly romantic context, and no apparent end in sight to the blood feud that lay between fans of the two pairings.

The only statement about Cloud’s feelings that could be given with complete confidence is that he cared about both women very much. Now, however, I believe more than that can be done.

I believe there’s now a definitive answer.

The only statement about Cloud’s feelings that could be given with complete confidence is that he cared about both women very much. Now, however, more than that can be done.

There’s now a definitive answer.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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  1. Adven277
    #1 Adven277 31 May, 2010, 03:06

    great article, really. As much as I love the couple, I disagree with there being a “definite” answer. I just wish that Square would just tell us who it is. I won’t die or go mad if it’s a Clerith result…. I think.

    Reply to this comment
    • Vendel
      Vendel 31 May, 2010, 15:13

      Why would anyone think it would be a “Clerith” result? And if this essay didn’t make it clear enough we do have some newer articles on this site that should clear it up.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 31 May, 2010, 21:18

      no matter how many articles come out to support cloti, they cannot claim that cloti is the official couple since these articles are written by fans, not officially from SE.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 1 June, 2010, 02:12

      You know unless SE put a list of main canon couples in the various FF games. Somewhere like oh I don’t know. The 20th anniversary Ultimania. And on that page we had Cloud and Tifa.

      Oh wait…..

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 4 July, 2010, 05:34

      Cloud’s love interests doesn’t have to TIFA!!!
      The only reason why the Clotis think that this article is about Cloud falling for Tifa, is because this is written by a Cloti himself!!!

  2. rabbitbooboo
    #2 rabbitbooboo 31 May, 2010, 06:06

    Tetsuya Nomura: I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don’t have any clue. ~Nomura interview, Dorimaga magazine, cited at FlareGamer

    This makes things very clear.

    IMO, Cloud loved Tifa before he met Aerith. Cloud loved Aerith after he met her. Cloud still loved Aerith after Aerith died. However, Cloud started to realize Tifa’s feeling for him, he started to love Tifa again. Cloud loved both women at the end of the game.

    In ACC, Cloud loved Tifa but still couldn’t forget about Aerith, his former love interest, that bothered Tifa a lot. After Cloud’s dream came true (to meet Aerith in promised land), he could let go his burden and focused on Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel.

    After ACC, I think Cloud will be together with Tifa, since Cloud will finally fall in love with someone, and that person most likely will be Tifa. That’s reasonable.

    I believe If Aerith hasn’t died, Cloud would choose to be with Aerith, not Tifa. Sadly, Aerith died.

    One more thing, about the sexual thing in Highwind scene, Cloti tends to believe that Cloud and Tifa had sex that night. This is because you guys are analyzing things in western cultural point of view. In Japan, lovers are not as open-minded as those in America. Most video games in Japan don’t mention about sex (not talking about the dirty games), although most heroins in most of the Japanese video games dressed extremely sexy, but still, the stories of the games themselves seldom touch the topic of having sex. Cloud and Tifa definitely didn’t have sex that night, you people thinking too much.

    Reply to this comment
    • Vendel
      Vendel 31 May, 2010, 15:19

      Nice quote. Sadly we have never seen the source for that. Just some second or third hand account. But whatever. Nomura being coy in an interview is meaningless.

      Cloud cared for Aerith as much as the rest of AVALANCHE. He loved Tifa.

      Cloud’s personal story in AC/C was not about wanting to meet Aerith again. He wanted forgiveness for his perceived sins so he would feel worthy of HIS FAMILY.

      Cloud was with Tifa before the game ended. Kinda harsh on his part if the fucker was in love with Aerith as you like to pretend.

      Sex happened. Deal with it. Unless you can explain to me how they confirmed their mutual desire for each other without words in a scene that was meant to imply sex happened.

    • Clerra
      Clerra 31 May, 2010, 18:53

      Why would Nomura’s comments be disregarded?
      Also, just saying, that sex does not equal true love forever.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 31 May, 2010, 20:52

      Vendel, telling people to ignore the evident (Nomura’s comments) is just because you have nothing better to prove your point.

      As a Japanese myself who lived in Japan for 17 years, I can tell you that none of the people in Japan have ever thought that the Highwind scene implied sex happened between Cloud and Tifa. (This only happened in doujinshi 同人誌)

      People like you think that way only because they hypnotize themselves as Cloud or Tifa and want to have sex with Cloud or Tifa or both so bad. Don’t mix up your dreams with reality.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 1 June, 2010, 02:21

      So we should take as gospel a quote from a random website that says the quote appeared in a magazine. Something that no one can verify. Vs Official interviews in the Ultimania for the game?

      And I could care less where you live. Idiocy is not restricted by country.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 1 June, 2010, 03:13

      You can express your opinion, but you don’t need to degrade your value by barking at people again and again. I saw you doing this all the time in this site. People are scared of you!! This will only brings you more rivals than friends and makes people have a perception that Cloti are brutal, but in fact, there are Cloti in good manners. Maybe you win an argument, but you lose your dignity. You are demonstrating a perfect example of idiocy.

    • Ryushikaze
      Ryushikaze 2 June, 2010, 11:47

      Rabbitbooboo, Nomura having no clue over five years ago, before the compilation, does not mean there was no answer, it means Nomura had no clue about the details.
      As of the 20th Ani Ulti, we have the Highwind scene being declared a canon instance of romantic declarations, one of 8 different times it is called such in official publication.

      And Booboo, Your claims of ‘as a japanese’ and ‘no one in Japan sees it as X’ are baseless. Because I know people from Japan who do think there was sex in that scene. At the very least, the creators think the scene and the dialog was Risque.

      Now, Booboo, I extend to you the offer to take it to the forum where it belongs.

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 4 July, 2010, 06:03

      Anyone with such idiocy would be you, Vendel! rabitbooboo’s right. You shouldn’t waste your time all day, daydreaming. hahah.

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 4 July, 2010, 05:59

      They didn’t had sex. it isn’t like Cloud to do such a thing! besides, I thought they said that Tifa was just realizing her feelings for Cloud in ACC. Then why would she have sex with him back then? Tifa may be dressed incredibly sexy, which caught the eye of many who played the game, but, would that mean that she could just go and have sex with any guy she wants? that is just wrong…

    • Vendel
      Vendel 2 August, 2010, 03:48

      This has to be the stupidest thing I have read since the last thing of yours I read.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 2 August, 2010, 06:36

      That means you never read your own writings, Vendel.

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 3 August, 2010, 06:23

      Hey, Tryin’ to be realistic here Vendel.
      I mean, for a conservative person like me, I never thought that Cloud would actually have sex with someone during the game, or at least SE would show us about it. Saying that they actually had sex, is also saying that Cloud lost character. oh cmon. Aerith just died. How could Cloud do such a thing? Cloud’s already guilty during that time. he couldn’t do it. And in Tifa’s case–What? calling her a slut here?!

    • Vendel
      Vendel 3 August, 2010, 15:35

      You see this is your problem. We told and shown something very intimate happened between C/T under the HW. And yet you refuse to believe it because of Aerith?

      And therein lies the problem. If Cloud really loved Aerith and did that he would be a bastard wouldn’t he? And you refuse to believe that so in your mind he simply couldn’t have done it.

      On the other hand if you look at it without the shipping goggles it makes total sens two consenting adults who have both loved each other for a long, long time who are spending what they think is their last night on earth together?

      Then yeah it makes a lot of sense.

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 4 August, 2010, 03:45

      I’m starting to see what kind of person you are Vendel.


  3. Mitch
    #3 Mitch 1 June, 2010, 02:55

    I, myself, will fully believe that Tifa will be for Cloud, and Vice Versa… No matter what Logically statements Clerith’s fans will encode here in the future!!!

    That Square Enix is tricking us!! How there them!! If they are not the best games publisher(for me), i will not buy their games for my console!! Hahahah!!

    But if they tell us that it is Aerith, Oh my God, I will curse them!! But I know they will never admit it because they might lose profits.. That is business! Hehehe..

    I am for CloTi, always and forever, until the day I die!! I will screw Aerith on the lifestream when i meet her! LOL!

    Thanks to this article, consisting 7 pages, the Advent Children Complete that I will watch on the net, the loading is complete! Because this is so long…. It really helps! ok bye… I will watch ACC… Bye bye!

    Reply to this comment
    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 4 July, 2010, 05:49

      sigh… you may be right on one thing. SE will never say who Cloud is for. if they say Cloud is for Tifa, SE might lose the CLERITHs fans. If they say Cloud is for Aerith, they’ll lose the Clotis. They’ll keep it from us as long as they can, for business!! But, I’ll say, you are a Cloti, But I still think that Aerith is for Cloud. Because Cloud loved Aerith more than he loved any other woman and it will remain the same until doomsday. If ever Cloud and Tifa be a couple someday(which will suck!), Tifa would get her feelings hurt because then Cloud will realize that he loves Aerith more than Tifa… I know he’ll realize that someday…

    • Mitch
      Mitch 4 July, 2010, 06:52

      If you think that Cloud doesn’t have a feelings for Tifa, I wouldn’t think that he has feelings for Aerith! After playing Crisis Core, I know that Aerith is not for Cloud, she is for Zack, and they are on the lifestream already.. 🙂

      Cloud and Tifa is now living together on the edge..And that is for sure! 🙂

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 9 July, 2010, 23:43

      Sure, he may be with Tifa, but that doesn’t mean that they could blossom into a couple. If SE did proved that they will, then I’ll shut my mouth. Aerith loved Cloud more than her first love. Cloud loved her so much.

      Besides, we should thank aerith for saving the planet. if it wasn’t for her, Cloud and the rest wouldn’t be alive today.

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 15 July, 2010, 09:03

      Ano kaya magiging reaksyon ng mga fans kung ang Square Enix proved that Cloud is for Aerith/Tifa…

  4. rabbitbooboo
    #4 rabbitbooboo 1 June, 2010, 03:12

    You can express your opinion, but you don’t need to degrade your value by barking at people again and again. I saw you doing this all the time in this site. People are scared of you!! This will only brings you more rivals than friends and makes people have a perception that Cloti are brutal, but in fact, there are Cloti in good manners. Maybe you win an argument, but you lose your dignity. You are demonstrating a perfect example of idiocy.

    Reply to this comment
  5. Bisojo1218
    #6 Bisojo1218 18 June, 2010, 03:21

    I know that this was posted last 2009, but I still want to comment even though it’s pretty late…

    But Cloud has to DIE first before he can even get together with Tifa!!!

    Yeah that’s right!!

    Reply to this comment
  6. ZeroXSEED
    #7 ZeroXSEED 4 July, 2010, 10:29



    Kitase: Katou also did the event on the airship, the night before the final battle.

    Nojima: Oh, the scene with the risqué line of dialogue? It was Katou who wrote that as well, not me.

    – The line “Words aren’t the only way to talk someone how you feel,” right? That was quite a mature conversation for a FF game.

    Kitase: But I remember having to get another version that was too intense toned down.

    Nojima: The original idea was more extreme. The plan was to have Cloud walk out of the Chocobo stable on board the Highwind, followed by Tifa leaving while checking around, but Kitase turned it down. But even with the line in question, maybe at that time none of us thought it would be something so important (laughs).





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  7. ilovebarret
    #8 ilovebarret 30 July, 2010, 05:01

    come on guys, seriously???

    cloud x tifa FTW (why? theyre both alive for one)

    zack x aerith FTW (why? theyre both dead, thats it, finito)

    Reply to this comment
    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 30 July, 2010, 05:19

      it will never be finito.
      I never want it to be.
      this love triangle debate keeps FF7 stories more exciting to the fans.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 2 August, 2010, 03:51

      Finally an accurate statement from you. It will never be over because you don’t want it to be. It doesn’t matter that EVERYTHING is telling you that you are wrong. You so want to believe that Cloud loves Aerith that you send logic, comprehension and the ability to read out the window.

      At least you finally admitted it.

    • rabbitbooboo
      rabbitbooboo 2 August, 2010, 06:19

      Bishojo always has accurate statements. Not like Vendel always barks stupidly.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 3 August, 2010, 03:20

      Does the light of my truth burn your eyes?

      Look on my works, ye cleriths, and despair!

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 3 August, 2010, 06:27

      Dude, Vendel. I don’t want to sound rude. For a Cloti, at least be worthy for being called one. yknow what I mean? listen to yourself.

      And FYI. Of course the debate will never be over. Get that? It will never be over even if I never been a FF7 otaku(fan).

    • Vendel
      Vendel 3 August, 2010, 15:42

      Oh I am sure the debate will go on for as long as you have delusional shippers. The actual love triangle ended about halfway through the original game.

      It’s rather funny to see that every information source is against you people. Even websites that a few years ago you could keep the truth from have now gotten rid of your nonsense.

      How does it feel to have so few “safe” places left? Places where you can spout clerith drivel and not be challenged for your idiocy?

  8. rabbitbooboo
    #9 rabbitbooboo 3 August, 2010, 05:02

    Poor Vendel, praising yourself is the only way to build your self confidence. That’s not your fault though. But don’t blame your parents.

    Reply to this comment
    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 3 August, 2010, 06:29

      ahaha. I do hate people with such pride. but I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 3 August, 2010, 15:43

      I hate willful ignorance. And I am seeing two extreme cases of it right here.

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 4 August, 2010, 03:42

      dude, vendel. I see your point. But it doesn’t mean that those sites are ALWAYS right. But… to tell you the truth at first I was a Cloti like you. But people convince me to be a Clerith. And I grew up as that. I remember when I say ridiculous things about Cloud and Tifa. *sigh*
      But to tell you the truth, I’ll go with Cloud or Zack for Aerith. Just not Cloud for Tifa.
      Tifa and Cloud doesn’t show much affection anyway…

    • Vendel
      Vendel 4 August, 2010, 04:10

      Sure they do.

      But when you look at everything through the lens of “Cloud loves Aerith” then NOTHING Cloud does is affection for Tifa.

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 4 August, 2010, 04:41

      DOesn’t show much.
      let’s agree on one thing. A Clerith and a Cloti can’t agree on many things. Somehow. None of them know the better. 🙂

  9. clotixclerith
    #10 clotixclerith 20 August, 2010, 02:06

    Vendel, you seriously got to stop flaming people. You may think this love triangle’s over, and might be. But that’s no reason to go attacking people for it. Let the Clerith’s ship all they want. What’s it to you? If you think your right and that Cloti is canon, then that’s all you need! You don’t need to force Clerith’s to change their ship or attack them just cause of the evidence. And YES, I agree, the evidence is quite clear. But why be mean to them?

    I’m personally a die hard Cloti fan. Truthfully, I can’t stand Clerith. But I respect them that I won’t keep attacking in a way that screams “IM OHSO BETTAH THAN U BATCH” I thought Ashley and RabbitBooBoo and Bishojo had a well written opinion. Sure, I don’t like their ship. At all. But I’m not gonna argue with them about it to the ends of the earth. I like how they stick to their ship no matter what. Honestly, I don’t blame u guys for standing up for Clerith. Honestly, Vendel would make any Cloti ashamed. That is, any openminded Cloti.

    no flames, please. I apologize if I said too much. sorry, Vendel. But I mean it, really. The debate may be closed, but *SHIPPERS WONT STOP SHIPPING*. I figured a wise guy like Vendel would figure that out by now. What is it now, August 2010? Unbelieveable. The magic of FF7. *_*

    now watch. Somebody (cough VENDEL cough) would try to be a wise guy again and flame with a wise guy comment. and the arguments goes on.

    Reply to this comment
    • Vendel
      Vendel 25 August, 2010, 11:37

      I am not the one that said the LT is over. SE did.

      And again I could care less what they ship. They need to stop pretending it has any basis whatsoever. It doesn’t.

      We don’t need people spreading that garbage.

  10. surfergurl
    #11 surfergurl 21 August, 2010, 00:35

    am i the only one who loves ALL the pairings?!?! i mean, zackxaerith, cloudxaerith, cloudxtifa, hell even zackxtifa! do you know what, im quite fond of zackxcloud, and fuck it! tifaxaerith would also be pretty awesome haha

    people need to chill out!!! lets just all just reunite over the fact that we all LOVE ff7 and its big mad orgy hotness!

    Reply to this comment
    • clotixclerith
      clotixclerith 21 August, 2010, 00:46

      i suppose your right. we all love ff7 and thats a great thing. but still, we all have our preferences. and some people are willing to even flame others just so they can prove that their pairing is canon. but I like ur thinking, surfergurl.

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 21 August, 2010, 07:25

      I like your quote clotixclerith. you are right about Vendel. I am a Clerith. I’m also a zackxaerith. I like both pairings but I like cloudxaerith better (maybe it’s because I totally like Cloud?).
      Heh. FF7 sure is legendary. I mean, c’mon… almost all the characters are HOT! haha.

      I do respect your own opinion. Sometimes I just wanna get over this whole debate thing. I kinda hate it when the Clotis go babbling about “Cloud and Tifa!”. But in FF7 fandom, it’s like nature for the Cleriths dislike a Cloti’s comment and the same to the Clotis for a Clerith’s comment. So it’s kinda normal for us fans (both Clotis and Cleriths).

    • Winterine
      Winterine 26 August, 2010, 05:59

      Hear hear! You’re certainly not the only one who loves all the pairings 😀 And yes, I like the idea of ZackxCloud and TifaxAerith too, heh!
      (I swear, Crisis Core had the best of everything…too bad Zack decided not to wake Vincent up, that could have been interesting….)

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 18 September, 2010, 04:28

      I like Cloudx Sephiroth too… if that’s possible

  11. clotixclerith
    #12 clotixclerith 24 August, 2010, 20:40

    i agree completely. i dont want to fight or argue or wiseguycomment on this anymore than you do. i just felt like i had to say something after seeing all of Vendel’s flames.
    i love FF so much im willing to unleash my inner idiot and comment on a LT that’s been going on for about a decade.

    but i truly am sry. im sry to anyone i offended. Vendel, ur welcome to argue anytime you like. i just hope you wont insult anyone or their ship. and anyways, what’s there to argue about, really?

    ff7 forever <333

    Reply to this comment
    • Vendel
      Vendel 25 August, 2010, 11:38

      How many post are you going to make crying about the mistreatment of the poor cleriths?

      The amount of insane idiocy the collective clerith masses have spewed out on this and a few other pages is headache inducing if you sit and read it all at once.

      I wont apologies for being blunt. Cleriths really do need to get over the fact that SE has officially sunk their ship. Many times over.

    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 18 September, 2010, 04:31

      haha. here we go again Vendel.

  12. clotixclerith
    #13 clotixclerith 25 August, 2010, 15:42

    nope, im not crying. my eyes are fine and im in a good mood. im just rather disappointed, because i thought everyone of any ship was supposed to be treated with respect here, no matter how ridiculous they could seem.

    and no, i didnt read all the comments all at once, but i did read all of them at one point, and as you can see there really is no getting over with it with the Cleriths. it’s quite clear that they dont care at all about the facts. i dont know about you, but i admire that. i guess you’ll insult me about that too.

    you dont have to apologize for anything. i just dont think u have to be so blunt about this thing. sry for arguing with you too much. i just want FF7 to be an enjoyable thing, rather than annoying cause people argue about which girl does Cloud Strife love.

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  13. clotixclerith
    #14 clotixclerith 25 August, 2010, 17:35

    kk, im out. i said what i had to. peace.

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  14. Vyelle
    #15 Vyelle 29 August, 2010, 07:49

    We all knew that from the start it was CLOTI! Cloud first met Tifa before Aerith and she had helped him a lot in discovering his identity. Duh! (*_*)

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  15. crystal
    #16 crystal 9 September, 2010, 13:32

    wow i muz say…this is really a heated discussion.
    but frankly, i think this matter can really be resolved when the writers/creators say something like “ok, cloud has a secret crush on vincent”, then everyone would really back down…
    as like always, you need something unexpected to bring people to their senses…
    but uh cloud having a crush in vincent is quite impossible…
    Though if he does…maybe everyone would ceasefire and start supporting Clincent…:D
    Nice article SoS, I like it a lot but its not gonna make non-Clotis back down….
    nobody’s ever gonna accept anything until the fateful day that the creator starts a sentence in a interview with “Actually, Cloud is in love with…” or something along the lines:)

    Reply to this comment
    • Bishojo1218
      Bishojo1218 18 September, 2010, 04:30

      haha. people do really have a lot of pairings for cloud even it may seem totally impossible.

  16. crystal
    #17 crystal 9 September, 2010, 13:42

    and sry to cut in again…
    with a point tt would make everyone serious abt CLOTI and CLERITH hate me…

    like others before me have said, FFVII really doesn’t focus on Cloud’s love interest…
    I prefer CloudXTifa but im not really serious abt the matter…I like Aerith a lot too…but mostly, I like the entire game compilation as a whole the best.

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  17. TheMuseSway
    #18 TheMuseSway 4 October, 2010, 09:34

    I love love Triangles that sounds dumb but a little drama can take a story a long ways. For example Final Fantasty 6 TerraxLockxCeles debating that is also an evil process.

    Though I think this… In

    Final Fantasy 7

    Cloud cared for both Tifa and Aerith, though I think his feelings were stronger towards Aerith. Aerith was much the opposite of Cloud. Perhaps he saw her as refreshing and a way to balance him. And if she didn’t die they probably would of made a good couple.
    Though if Zack didn’t die also she probably wouldn’t give Cloud a chance at all. So who knows.

    In Advent Children

    It’s clear that Tifa and him have strong feelings for each other but both have issues of communicating clearly to each other. They both have the same problem. It still seems its more clear that Tifa cares for Cloud more than Cloud cares for Tifa. Though his actions are stronger than words.

    In the end he forgives himself for Aerith’s death and realizes his feelings for her could of been misplaced as he starts to remember Zack and sees Zack and Aerith walk happily back into the light. He seems to respect that in the end.

    I guess in the end Cloud and Tifa are one of those couples who needs work.
    Where Marlene and Denzel come in, playing matchmaker or whatever they do to open Clouds and Tifa’s eyes.

    Anyways thats what I think.

    I’m also a CloudxTifa fan

    and TerraxLocke cause I hate Celes.

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  18. Angelhart
    #19 Angelhart 17 May, 2011, 18:33

    This is my point of view:

    Cloud has big personality issues. He is trying to live the life of two people. From a psychological point of view he is almost on the edge of shizofrenia. He is being Zack and Cloud and it depands on the situation who is getting the upperhand.

    For several years he was living Zack’s live. He admits in the FFVII game that he took the role too far. Zack’s live became entangled with his in such a way that Zack’s reality became his and even overtook his past of which he was ashamed.
    Zack was in love with Aerith, so naturaly Cloud fell in love with Aerith.

    Was he in love with Tifa as well?

    The “real” Cloud loves Tifa in the same way.

    Does he loves one girl more than the other?

    He can’t.
    I think if you would ask him in real life (if he would excist) he couldn’t answer that question on which girl he would love more.

    Being two different people who’s live are entangled in such a way that you cannot seen where one live begins and the other ends i think he wouldn’t even understand the real meaning of the question.

    Cloud’s head is really messed up. That is why even Sephiroth gained such an easy access to his being.
    Trapped in two lives he’d definitly be in need of counceling for his issues.

    In the case of Aerith and Tifa, I believe there is no competition.

    Now that Aerith is dead it is only naturaly that he ends up staying with Tifa. And unless events drag him back into past experiences the “real” Cloud will slowly take over.

    But if Sephiroth for example would knock on his door he would definitly loose it again. Unless he gets some serious help the Zack/Cloud personality would re-emerge again.

    If you have watched the comment of the creators of his personality they even admit that the real Cloud is actually very weak.
    He finds his strenght in living Zack’s life and in seeing the people who are connected with both his personality’s hurt.
    But Zack’s personality has the real power and when in need is the most dominant one.

    That is why in time of need he is more Zack and has troubles connecting to Tifa.

    “is it a memory or us?”

    Trapped in Zack’s live again he cannot answer that question Tifa asks him in Advent Children.

    For the What If? situation if Aerith would still be alive…
    that would be a tough one.

    Depending on how the game would progress I think not Cloud, but one of the girls would make the decision for him.
    Judging Tifa’s personality (the way she acts troughout the game and movie) I think she would back down.

    With Zack’s personality as the dominant one inside Cloud it would probably be for the best. The Cloud she knew would never have the chance to really come out unless he could bury Zack’s life and forever.

    And for that he would definitly need some help!

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    • Vendel
      Vendel 14 June, 2011, 02:37

      Talk about getting a few things wrong.

      First off Cloud took on aspects of Zack’s personality/life after he died. Which is about a month before the game began. Not years.

      Secondly Cloud’s personality was a little more complex than “became Zack”. The first class SOLDIER Zack persona was the base. But it was also formed in large part from Tifa’s memories. Plus a little of his own memories that don’t conflict what he got form those two. So at no point does one personality “take over”. It’s a mix of all three.

      And that being the case you can’t then thirdly proclaim he loved Aerith because of the Zack personality. There is zero proof he loved Aerith romantically.

      Fourthly, after the lifestream event the real Cloud emerges and at no point is it even hinted at that the false memories “take over” again. The fake persona Cloud had FOR ABOUT THREE MONTHS is gone. Only the real Cloud remains.

      Okay so you got a lot wrong.

      Plus your post was a really roundabout way of saying “Cloud loved Aerith and if she had lived Cloud would end up with her”.

    #20 SHUTTHEFUCKUP 8 July, 2011, 05:36

    Cloud is with Tifa, with Marlene and Denzel playing match maker (with Yuffie helping out of course and somehow ruining the good stuff)…but none the less Cloud’s happy again isn’t he…hope he stays that way or if Nomura still wants him like that then that is just ruining Cloud’s character as a whole (I think he would agree with us fans that we are tired of depressed, I can’t help anyone cause I’m a pussy to except reality Cloud)

    Aerith and Zack are together watching over Cloud and the others, but mostly Cloud cause he may go back to depressed Cloud again…and we as majority of FFVII fans who don’t really care for the LT crap, don’t want him back to depressed Cloud again…we want badass upbeat Cloud who said Let’s mosey back again (come on even those clertih fans or whatever would agree that they miss upbeat, let’s mosey Cloud…it was and still is part of the charm as to why we love the guy)

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