Tag "Dissidia"

Yoshinori Kitase has a blog now

That’s right. You can now stalk..I mean…follow one of the creators of FFVII on 1UP.com. Yoshinori Kitase has set up a blog in honor of Dissidia’s Western release where it will talk about the development and creation of the game.

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North America Dissidia Purchase Incentives (Part 2)

After announcing the GameStop (covers) and Amazon (CD) bonus, SQUARE-ENIX announces now a new one. Everyone who buy a copy from Dissidia: Final Fantasy at Best Buy will recieve a Dissidia Desktop Calendar (the same from the Japanese bundle). Who

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North America Dissidia Purchase Incentives

A couple incentives have been announced to be delivered with Dissidia: Final Fantasy. We’ve already shown the reversible cover slip that comes with the gamebox, but if the game is purchased from Gamestop, it will come with two additional slips:

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Dissidia Final Fantasy – NA Site Update

The NA Dissidia Website has been updated once more. Besides the profiles for the remaining characters (except for secret Characters Shantotto and Grabanth), the site was also updated with the 2009 E3 Trailer, a brief explanation of the combat system

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E3 Dissidia Trailer Showcases English voices

Square has given us a look at the US release of Dissidia, and in the trailer are some scenes showcasing the english dialogue. Enjoy!

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Final Fantasy VII Confirmed for US PSN Store, also Dissidia Final Fantasy Release Date Announced

The ESRB site has confirmed that the original Final Fantasy VII will be added to the Playstation Network store for purchase. A big thanks to forum user Shar and Tetsujin for letting us know! EDIT: In fact, it just came

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NA Dissidia Site Updated

The North American Site for Dissidia has been updated with Character Profiles for Cecil, Bartz and Terra (from Cosmos’ side) and Golbez, Exdeath and Kefka (from Chaos’ side). To visit the website, go here.

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