Posts by X-SOLDIER

TLS Presents: “Case of Denzel” Audiobook

The much anticipated third On the Way to a Smile Novella has finally been released: On the Way to a Smile: Case of Denzel. The Audiobook is available for you to be able to download in MP3 format for easy

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FFVII: Pulse of Life – Music from the TLS Audiobooks

HypochondriacPiano has put together a fan tribute album, “Final Fantasy VII: Pulse of Life.” This music has been featured on the TheLifestream’s On the Way to a Smile Audiobooks, and if you’ve wanted to get your hands on it, and

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Priest: The Love Letter of an Old FFVII-2 Rumor isn’t typically the place you’ll see film reviews (aside from Advent Children), but this was something that needed to be mentioned, and I’m sure that Final Fantasy VII fans will greatly appreciate it. The film Priest isn’t a perfect

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TLS Presents: “Case of Tifa” Audiobook

The third TLS Audiobook, our second release of an On the Way to a Smile Novella has finally been released: On the Way to a Smile: Case of Tifa. The Audiobook is availble for you to be able to download

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Analysis: The Planet, Jenova, & Genesis after [ ν ] – εуλ 0010

I’ve put together this article for the launch of our newly re-organized Compilation of Final Fantasy VII forum structure which now includes a Fan Content Section. This is speculation and theorization based on as much data as I can put

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TLS Presents: “The Case of Lifestream” Audiobook

Greetings faithful readers! As a surprise, we’re releasing the first On the Way to a Smile novella – Case of Lifestream as the second TLS exclusive audiobook, since it was completed a little ahead of schedule. (Don’t worry, Case of

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TLS Presents: “The Maiden Who Travels The Planet” Audiobook

After 4 months of hard work, we proudly present the first TLS exclusive audiobook: You can listen to it by clicking on the banner at the bottom of the page, or download it for your personal storage / transportation by

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