
Play Final Fantasy IX with The Lifestream

by January 14, 2013 0 comments

Do you remember last year’s community playthrough of Final Fantasy VII? It’s been quite a while since that finished, so we felt it was time to organise another. The Lifestream community held a vote and decided that Final Fantasy IX will be the next game in the series to get the treatment.

Approximately fifteen of our forum members will be setting off from Alexandria later this week, with the aim of saving the world and getting home for dinner in no more than a few months. Prince Lex, a veteran explorer of Gaia, will be leading the way. There’s room on the journey for plenty more, so don’t be shy about signing up for the adventure!

There will be weekly gaming sessions on Skype, details of which will be posted in the playthrough thread. Don’t worry if you can’t make it to them, though. You are welcome to play on your own, even at your own pace; there’s no harm in falling behind and catching up later. You can also simply join in with the discussion if you are unable to play.

See you there!

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