Here at The Lifestream we run a community playthrough of a game (usually a Final Fantasy game) that has been voted for by the community. Poor FFV has missed out a few times by just a few votes, and indeed would probably have won this time had it not been for the remake announcement. This year’s poll saw Final Fantasy VII win, with Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy V in joint second place, just two votes behind it.
Everyone is welcome to join the playthrough. All the details you need can be found here in this magical thread. All you need to participate is the game, and we’d love it if you’d share the experience with us by posting lots with each chapter update.
We’re running two Chapters per week. Chapter One begins at the opening of the game and concludes at the save point on the 64th floor of Shinra HQ.
What are you waiting for? JOIN IN!
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