
The Lifestream Final Fantasy Podcast – Episode 17

by April 10, 2016 0 comments

The Lifestream Final Fantasy Podcast

Episode 17

Covering Uncovered:  Final Fantasy XV

It’s the seventeenth episode of The Lifestream Final Fantasy Podcast!  Join Carlie, Lex, Ryushikaze, Tetsujin, and vaderSW1 as they go on a mythical journey into all things Final Fantasy!

In this episode we discuss the Uncovered:  Final Fantasy XV event and we hit on some Final Fantasy VII Remake news!

Then we dig into our listener feedback!

This episode’s Question for the Listenership:

How did you feel about the Uncovered:  Final Fantasy XV event?  Should Square Enix do more of these in the future?

Email us at [email protected] or reply to the episode post on TheLifeStream.Net forums and let us know!

We want to hear from you!  Send your questions, feedback, and episode topic suggestions to us at [email protected].  You can also reply to the episode posts for each episode on TheLifeStream.Net forums.  Not registered yet?  Just visit and become a member!  Also, please leave us feedback on iTunes!  We will do our best to read your questions, comments, and feedback on air!

Total Run Time: 1:24:03

Subscribe to us on iTunes so you never miss an episode!

Music appearing on this podcast is courtesy of the following:

“Take a Chance” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

“Discovery Hit” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

WARNING! Explicit content.

Special thanks to Flintlock for the episode artwork!

TheLifestream Podcast Extras:

TLS Member Awato’s Artwork:

TLS Reaction Video for the Uncovered:  Final Fantasy XV Event:

Preregistration for Justice Monsters 5:

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  1. OldGamerMan79
    #1 OldGamerMan79 13 April, 2016, 23:19

    There are 2 ways to look at Square Enix’s Uncovered event. On one hand it was exciting to see what has been going on behind the curtains. The game looks amazing visually, and the movie and web-series will be nice appetizers. On the other more cynical hand it was a huge “mea culpa” purely intended to avoid a Duke Nuke
    Forever sized disaster. I hope that we aren’t all let down in a big way when September 30 comes around, but given the precedent set by other games with a decade-long development cycle I’m nervous all the same. Comments about a “more sophisticated PC port” don’t help. In the end only time will tell. As of right now the fan in me overpowers the cynic. Please take my money but don’t let me down. Thank you for reading this and although I am new to this podcast I thoroughly enjoy it. If it is ok I would like to answer some of you listenership questions from the past in the future.

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