
New Features: Crisis Core Surnames & The Planet’s Name

Forum veterans Squall_of_SeeD and Shademp are proud to present two new features for our Canon of FFVII section. Both centre on using devoted detective work to try and uncover the truth behind certain names in the franchise. Are the names

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FFVII 15th Anniversary Interviews: Tetsuya Nomura

Hitoshura does his miracle translations yet again and provides the interview with Tetsuya Nomura found in Famitsu issue no. 1224. Read about Nomura’s rise in the ranks of Square and his involvement with the development of Final Fantasy VII. This

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FFVII 15th Anniversary Interviews: Yoshinori Kitase

In the Weekly Famitsu issue no. 1224, published on May 31st earlier this year, a 12-page coverage of Final Fantasy VII’s plot and production history was included. Two of these pages include sketches and images from pre-production. Interviews with Kitase,

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Cait Sith Character Profile p. 60-63

Forum member Quexinos has very kindly provided — and you, our fellow fans of Final Fantasy VII and its related compositions — with the missing link in our coverage of translations from the FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania: Cait Sith’s

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Summary of the new FFVII novel

Site translator hitoshura has been kind enough to provide us with a chapter-by-chapter summary of the newest official FFVII novel. Released on December 15th, the book was written by Kazushige Nojima, writer of the original FFVII, as well as Crisis

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Updates on the new FFVII novel

Thanks to Hitoshura’s heads up, we now know both the book’s cover (image to the right) as well as more details on the book’s storyline. The product info of the book, also from Square Enix’s e-shop, translated by Hitoshura, reveals

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New Translations from the Crisis Core Complete Guide by Hitoshura

So after a brief hiatus to allow Hitoshura to complete FFXIII, we finally have some new translations from the CC Complete Guide, in our effort to complete the entire keyword collection section! You can read the following new translations here.

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